oak 90 gallon bow front canaopy wanted


Ive got the one your looking for...
We've been sending emails back and forth, I thought you wanted it ???


New Member
looking for one that is black. i did not want to get involved in staining or any labor like that. Sorry, and good luck with your sale.


Active Member
I'm confused, Lowkey you state that you want an oak set up which krazey has. then you say you want a black one, which is it? oak or black? if yo want black oak, then kraze, go get a few cans of black spray paint and get to work.


New Member
I am looking for a black one(my mistake). The stand I bought is black as well as the tank. I initially thought I could paint the canopy black, however after thinking about it, I do not believe the colors and finish would look the same. I am not a do it your selfer.
Sorry "Krazy
" K, for this misunderstanding. Secondly, it was my understanding that there was another person interested in the canopy. So in actuality I di dnot lead you on for two weeks. My statment was if it was available in two weeks we could talk about a sale then: ie: me buying it. So I am sure you did not terminate the original sale with THE OTHER BUYER because we had a connection or something. This is life guys, sometimes things dont work out, and because like you I work hard for the money I have; I want to buy things that are right from the beginning.
Lastly I am sure your life did not come to a hault becasue I personally did not buy your canopy. Just to re iterate, in our original converstaion you stated you had another buyer anyway. Grow up and move on.
I hope this clears the matter up and doesn't really call for a response. For all other sellers look at my track record on ebayy (minus the extra y), listed under lowkey485. There you will find nothing but positive comments.
Thanks and good luck with your future sale.


Its all good James as I said in the E-mail response, However you did tell me that you wanted the canopy in 2 weeks, you sent me a couple E-mails asking if I still had it and it was available, I have the E-mails still in my folder.. You then tried to get the price down and thats when I no longer got responses from you until I seen this new post from you again looking for a canopy...
all in all, Keep the seller or person your interested in buying from updated, if you dont/didnt want it, it isnt a big deal, but when your waiting for a response and I sent 3 emails with no reply.. Thats childish... Just let people know...
Like I said in the E-mail to ya, if your seeking a black canopy, I'd look into the black plastic Oceanic canopy, they are nice pieces and alot cheaper then the sexy Oak one I've got. :joy:
Oh, and the last thing for the record, I didnt tell other sellers to beware of you for bad reasons, its just a warning for them in the future to not expect you to commit to a sale if theres no deposit... and your right, it isnt the end of the world because you didnt buy it, but take a look from my end, you'd be a little mad as I was too..
Good Luck with your search...

It's a smart move on James part to not wanna spray paint this black



New Member
As I said in the various emails I was interested, but did ask about the color and ; yes that was a concern. Also, there is no crime in aksing for the price to be lowered. You were unwilling and to me that just meant that canopy was not the one for me.
"Krazy" :notsure: is exactly that.
Like we both agree its not the end of the world and you will just have to kee p the canopy alittle longer. Maybe the next person will be a buyer (THE THIRD AS i SEE IT). Again its just a sale of a canopy, not a house (nothing earth shattering). In the mean time I have my money to hold out until a canopy comes along that is right and you have your canopy. The rule of thumb is, a sale is not confirmed until the deposit or payment in full is received. Until that time its all considered a negotiation in the adult world.
Again, good luck with your sale and bes wishes. I hope things get better for you.