Obama is the president elect Please use this thread to talk about and discuss it


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
lol remember that culture of corruption garbage that pelosi was spewing a couple years ago? Well I guess we see it now. Are you seeing the people dropping out because of investigations. While Obama nominates all the old timer dems to important posts. I love the "change" we are seeing.

LOL, Yep. I gotta feeling Richardson got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Of course are there any honest politicians who hung out with Rezko? Crooks tend to hang together. How many of Clinton's homies did jail over whitewater, 12? Of course the Clintons didn't do anything illegal


Active Member
I guess Jack Abramoff was never a problem....
I agree that some things seem awefully fishy lately, but come on....


Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
I guess Jack Abramoff was never a problem....
I agree that some things seem awefully fishy lately, but come on....
Abramoff wasn't a chief of staff or in the cab. Wait wait, he changed his mind he isn't stepping down...
You can't write this script for a movie. I feel like I'm watching the perfect storm. And no one is paying attention.


Active Member
Is it a tax cut or a smoke screen for a federal welfare and spending program.
I oppose the government giving one red dime to anyone who isn't paying federal income taxes now. Unfortunately Obama's "tax cut" is offering up a new vein to the leaches.
I am solid middle class and don' t think I need a tax cut. I guess I willl take the money and invest it so I will not be crushed as hard by the new taxes that will be required to fund the trillion in new spending Obama is proposing
Some of the business tax changes he is proposing make sense.


Active Member
So lets get this right, change means staying till we win in Iraq, negotiations with iran and offer diplomatic benifits for compliance or sanctions for non-compliance and working closely with the international community. Change means tax cuts right when coming into office.
I'm not seeing much of a difference...


Active Member
More stupid ideas. Some good ones.
The stupid:
"* A refundable investment credit of up to $500 ($1,000 on a joint return) would match 50% of the dollars put into a retirement account, for those making less than a certain income. It's similar to the current savers credit and is a probable winner, given the market.
* Taxpayers could withdraw 15%, up to $10,000, from their retirement accounts in 2009 without the normal 10% premature-distribution penalty (this would apply to withdrawals made in 2008, too). The ordinary income tax would still be due. This is also a probable winner."
So we are going to give a tax credit to try to induce people to save for retirement and turn right around and give them a pass on the early withdraw penalty if they take money out of their retirement account.
For a party that supposedly cares so much about being fair the Dems want to increase tax refunds for people who don't pay income taxes now.
And all this in addition to all the hundreds of billions in new spending being proposed.
Somewhere around 2015 Social Security starts paying out more than it takes in. Thats about when the bill comes due for all this spending. Whatever you pay in taxes now plan on having it doubled at least. Just keeping SS afloat was going to be expensive. Adding the rest of this crap is going to be a disaster.


Active Member
Where are all those who were complaining Palin was being shielded from the press? Obama has the press questions prepicked. And in line before he even goes out there.
According to Sun-Times columnist and long-time Chicago journalist, Carol Marin, journalists at Barack Obama news conferences have come to realize that Obama has pre-picked those journalists whom he will allow to ask him questions at the conference and many of them now "don't even bother raising" their hands to be called upon.
what was the argument they used? By shutting out the press they aren't showing interest in the people, because the press is the only way we have to find out information about them? Or some convoluted nonsense like that?


Active Member
the thread has pretty well died down, and now that he's our president i guess this thread can be unstickied.