obama steps in it


Active Member
Originally Posted by TurningTim
And it would take me the same week to teach you that economics is theory not reality! I doubt very seriously that you or other economists can agree on any one thing. Anybody can twist and spin numbers in their favor. That is a fact.
I won't even make an attempt to go in any other subjects b/c these threads are riddled with opinions based on internet worthless info that are passed off as fact!
I said I wouldn't get sucked in and I did! This is a waste of everyones time.
See ya, I'm done!
Economics is theory, based of observed behavior and quanitative measurements, it uses base assumptions to draw models whose rules reflect the observed behaviors and measurements.
That is why all these polls asking if we are in a recession drives me nuts. A recession is a mathamatical term applied when certain levels of growth are not attained, not an opinion of the ignorant masses.
I know that gas prices are the result of policies enacted long before 2006. But if I have to hear oh everything is bush's fault, with absolutely nothing backing it up. Then the same threshold for blame can be equally applied on democrats.
Originally Posted by TurningTim
Anybody can twist and spin numbers in their favor. That is a fact.
And thus any actual data representing an opposite view can easily be dismissed without strong consideration.
btw you still think my humorous avitar is over the top?
Originally Posted by TurningTim

This is a waste of everyones time.
Isn't that the idea?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
We can look at issue after issue ...everything from Iraq War...Katrina... Mortgages,Gas, and the multitude of blunders, bad decisions, and lack of over sight we have today. I don't understand how anyone would want more of the same.

Again, the Democrat Mayor and Govenor of La messed up Katrina orders of magnitude worse than the federal response. Do you know anything about disaster response or disaster medicine Rylan?


Active Member
Originally Posted by TurningTim
Yep I do, Nothing personal Stdreb you know that,
But I think its time for me to say goodbye and get a life!
Of course nothing personal, if it was I wouldn't post here.
I'll hit up up next time I build a sump, (which is hopefully in two weeks)! If I can ever sell all my live rock. I'm getting a neo-nano deepsea aquatics fish tank! To take place of my old setup that decided it no longer wanted to hold water...


Active Member
I asked you if a man who is running for President on a platform of:
Let the gov't "help" you
Let the gov't provide your health care,
Let the gov't tell you what to eat
Let the gov't tell you what to drive
Let the gov't tell you what temperature to set your thermostats at
is a socialist
Basically Obama's platform is the government is the answer to all your problems.
That's socialist right?


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Of course nothing personal, if it was I wouldn't post here.
I'll hit up up next time I build a sump, (which is hopefully in two weeks)! If I can ever sell all my live rock. I'm getting a neo-nano deepsea aquatics fish tank! To take place of my old setup that decided it no longer wanted to hold water...
No worries there! You know how much I enjoy that. You still got my email? Shoot me some pics when you get it!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
We can look at issue after issue ...everything from Iraq War...Katrina... Mortgages,Gas, and the multitude of blunders, bad decisions, and lack of over sight we have today. I don't understand how anyone would want more of the same.
the Iraq War is the only one of those that could be remotely pinned on Bush. and as far as Iraq goes, he didn't go alone did he?