Obamas paster


Staff member
What will be interesting is actually the overall black American opinion now. A month ago, it was still ok to support Wright, because Obama made excuses for him. Now, Obama has drawn the line in the sand, and its going to be "if you are for him, you're against me". That was loud and clear in Obama's speech yesterday. Who will blacks side with? I think they will side with Obama. It may be that Wright will be pressured now by his own church to shut up already. I almost wonder if the old coot is senile or something.


Active Member
the rev. didnt go wako over nite, and to think he is that close to Obama for that many years??????? things that make ya go hmmmmmm. If you hang out with Felon's...usually you are a Felon also, If you hang out with Doctors you are in the field or a Doctor.....If you hang out with racist a&^%les guess what..... WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by nwdyr
the rev. didnt go wako over nite, and to think he is that close to Obama for that many years??????? things that make ya go hmmmmmm. If you hang out with Felon's...usually you are a Felon also, If you hang out with Doctors you are in the field or a Doctor.....If you hang out with racist a&^%les guess what..... WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hang out with all types of people, that does not mean I'm what they are. Nobody is perfect.How could Obama possibly be a racist when his mother is white?
I guess you are still sleep too.


Active Member
go ahead and elect him, you will get what you deserve!! and by the way, by definition he IS a racist.... Find the definition, study it then listen to his past speeches. Not the current ones where someone has brought it to his attention and fixed it! so you hang out with racists??? you let them perform your marriage ceremony???? you let them baptise your kid's??? wow this was a really bad idea, I like everyone here, but I am starting to learn things I really didn't want to know. I wish this thread was never started!!!!
Let's please just talk fish
Wright was allowed to say things no white man could say, that was because of his political friends, now FINALLY Obama says .... oooo well I umm... don't agree with what he is saying ? come on!!! he needed to say that a long,long time ago!!! maybe a couple weeks ago when he (Wright)called Italian Americans " Garlic Noeses" hummm what would have happened if I ( A Italian American called a black man a fried chicken nose???) Like I said do you'r homework, listen to his wife also...It will scare the hell out of you!! and by the whay i know his heritage, so what. If you feel a person "can't " be racist due to heritage then I am 100% sure you don't know what a racist is!!! that word has become sooooo over used that people no longer know the meaning. When someone says "White people" or "black people" that is racist, it means to refer to a group of peole by race. It dont have to be "stupid white people" or "stupid black people" the name calling is not the bad part. The bad part is seperating "people" by addressing race. More "racist" thoughts... the "black" Miss America, the "white" vote, the "black" vote etc.... When Mr. Obama says "white" America or "black" voters...... hint hint (racist thoughts!! knock knock... anyone home???)


Active Member
Are you sure Wright reffered to Italians that way... I think that may have been said by some one else years ago. My opinion of Wright is he is "Ego-Trippin" - which is the title of Snoop's latest CD. My view of Wright was that some of the things he said were true, but also that some may be a little far off in conspiracy theory... I think he at times uses the pulpit unappropriatly with his political views in church.. I think that there needs to be some separation b/w the two. But I agree with how Obama has handled... I think that he has to separate himself from Wright based on past statements, but more importantly the recent things Wright has done in the news... This is a political side show that distracts away from the very real issues we have... I think its now time to get back to what Obama's message is about and put this Wright thing passed him... Wright is not the one we need to be concerned about .. he is not the one who is going to fix the problems we face w/ the economy and war in Iraq. I would hope that people won't be mislead based on a person that has nothing to do with what is going to happen over the next 4-8 years.. And concentrate on who is best equipped to bring us out of this rut we are in.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Are you sure Wright reffered to Italians that way... I think that may have been said by some one else years ago. My opinion of Wright is he is "Ego-Trippin" - which is the title of Snoop's latest CD. My view of Wright was that some of the things he said were true, but also that some may be a little far off in conspiracy theory... I think he at times uses the pulpit unappropriatly with his political views in church.. I think that there needs to be some separation b/w the two. But I agree with how Obama has handled... I think that he has to separate himself from Wright based on past statements, but more importantly the recent things Wright has done in the news... This is a political side show that distracts away from the very real issues we have... I think its now time to get back to what Obama's message is about and put this Wright thing passed him... Wright is not the one we need to be concerned about .. he is not the one who is going to fix the problems we face w/ the economy and war in Iraq. I would hope that people won't be mislead based on a person that has nothing to do with what is going to happen over the next 4-8 years.. And concentrate on who is best equipped to bring us out of this rut we are in.
You seriously didn't hear about this? Obama didn't distance himself from Wright after hearing about this either. If fact Obama showed himself to be a phoney in the way he responded to the latest round of comments by Wright. THE MAN SAID NOTHING HE HADN.T ALREADY SAID. Yet Obama tried to act like this was something new. It had already been well reported about Wright's statements on AIDS, 911 etc. when Obama said "I can no more disown Wright than I can my white grandmother"
Here is one of many stories about the Italian comment
CNSNews.com Senior Staff Writer
March 26, 2008
(CNSNews.com) - Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., pastor emeritus of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago where Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) has been a member for two decades, slurred Italians in a piece published in the most recent issue of Trumpet Newsmagazine.
"(Jesus') enemies had their opinion about Him," Wright wrote in a eulogy of the late scholar Asa Hilliard in the November/December 2007 issue. "The Italians for the most part looked down their garlic noses at the Galileans."
Wright continued, "From the circumstances surrounding Jesus' birth (in a barn in a township that was under the Apartheid Roman government that said his daddy had to be in), up to and including the circumstances surrounding Jesus' death on a cross, a Roman cross, public lynching Italian style. ...
"He refused to be defined by others and Dr. Asa Hilliard also refused to be defined by others. The government runs everything from the White House to the schoolhouse, from the Capitol to the Klan, white supremacy is clearly in charge, but Asa, like Jesus, refused to be defined by an oppressive government because Asa got his identity from an Omnipotent God."


Staff member
I think Obama was stuck between a rock and a hard place with this, and basically didn't know quite how to handle it once it hit the fan. So, that kinda makes me wonder how he might handle (or not handle) the big world problems that he'd face if president?? I agree, there are more important things to think and talk about, but this is a soap opera and you can bet the media will be feeding it to us for as long as they can. Now if Wright comes back with a "come back", then this will indeed continue. I think he's finished, though, because the results of yesterday did not go as he'd hoped.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Now if Wright comes back with a "come back", then this will indeed continue. I think he's finished, though, because the results of yesterday did not go as he'd hoped.

I wondered about that though. see, when this mess first broke about a month or more ago, Obama didn't completely shun Wright like he should have. and Obama proceeded to get spanked in PA. now, if the brains of the Change Change Change camp somehow made a link between getting wallopped in PA and his not handling the Wright situation properly, do you not think they'd look for a do over? so in between PA and NC/IN, Wright suddenly has a media blitz to continue with his rants, thus giving Obama a second chance to properly rebuke him and save face. I mean, Wright is off his rocker, but I find him to be intelligent. surely he knew that Obama was going to cut the cord once his newest rants came out? and probably in his mind, that would help Obama.
so what I'm saying, is this break with Wright serious or just a political ploy to try to win 2 much needed states?
I can almost guarantee you that if Obama wins the general election (though I don't think he will), Wright will do the swearing in. or at the very least be in attendance.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pontius
I wondered about that though. see, when this mess first broke about a month or more ago, Obama didn't completely shun Wright like he should have. and Obama proceeded to get spanked in PA. now, if the brains of the Change Change Change camp somehow made a link between getting wallopped in PA and his not handling the Wright situation properly, do you not think they'd look for a do over? so in between PA and NC/IN, Wright suddenly has a media blitz to continue with his rants, thus giving Obama a second chance to properly rebuke him and save face. I mean, Wright is off his rocker, but I find him to be intelligent. surely he knew that Obama was going to cut the cord once his newest rants came out? and probably in his mind, that would help Obama.
so what I'm saying, is this break with Wright serious or just a political ploy to try to win 2 much needed states?
I can almost guarantee you that if Obama wins the general election (though I don't think he will), Wright will do the swearing in. or at the very least be in attendance.
He should have walked out of that church years ago. Not clean house when he got "found out."
Does he really expect voters to believe he knew less about his pastor than we do watching the news over the last 2 months?


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
He should have walked out of that church years ago. Not clean house when he got "found out."
Does he really expect voters to believe he knew less about his pastor than we do watching the news over the last 2 months?
probably not. but politicians thrive on voters being too uninformed to actually know what they're about or what they're up to. most of them are lawyers afterall.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I think that he has to separate himself from Wright based on past statements, but more importantly the recent things Wright has done in the news...
What recent things has Wright said or "done" in the news that differs from what he said in the past?
I heard and saw nothing differnet...same old song and person that Nobama refused to denounce a month ago. The only thing different is that Wright stated he was coming ofr NObama in Nov...and that Nobama was nothing more than a typical politician.. indicating NObama saying what he needed to say to get votes.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Are you sure Wright reffered to Italians that way... I think that may have been said by some one else years ago.
It's already been quoted and sourced on other threads numerous times where you have posted. You sure are quick to dismiss things you know nothing about.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
I think Obama was stuck between a rock and a hard place with this, and basically didn't know quite how to handle it once it hit the fan. So, that kinda makes me wonder how he might handle (or not handle) the big world problems that he'd face if president?? I agree, there are more important things to think and talk about, but this is a soap opera and you can bet the media will be feeding it to us for as long as they can. Now if Wright comes back with a "come back", then this will indeed continue. I think he's finished, though, because the results of yesterday did not go as he'd hoped.
You have hit the nail on the head. If NObama cannot handle the Wright situation how can he possibly handle what he will face as president? What does this say about his judgement?
Also, a black pastor and friend of Wriight named Eugene Rivers said tonight that the sound bites we have heard form Wright are typical ..not atypical.
he also suggested Nobama viewed Wright as a father figure and compared his situation to an abusive relationship. This was Rivers explanation as to why NOabma sat in the church. He stated a few times the Wright was just being "himself" in those soundbites.
If true, his take only documents my position that NObama is too weak to be president...along with other "issues".
I do believe Wright will not take this and go away. Uncle Rev will strike back...and he will sink the NObama boat.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pontius
I wondered about that though. see, when this mess first broke about a month or more ago, Obama didn't completely shun Wright like he should have. and Obama proceeded to get spanked in PA. now, if the brains of the Change Change Change camp somehow made a link between getting wallopped in PA and his not handling the Wright situation properly, do you not think they'd look for a do over? so in between PA and NC/IN, Wright suddenly has a media blitz to continue with his rants, thus giving Obama a second chance to properly rebuke him and save face. I mean, Wright is off his rocker, but I find him to be intelligent. surely he knew that Obama was going to cut the cord once his newest rants came out? and probably in his mind, that would help Obama.
Nobama and the campaign made a calculated move. They underestimated Uncle Rev...thinking he would simply be content sitting in his new palace on the golf course with his 10 mill line of credit. You have to remember NObama was there for 20 years...if he came out immediately and denounced his uncle and his rantings who knows what would have happened? WOuld he be blasted by the flock for turning his back on the folks that supported him through the years? What do the folks in that church know about NObama and what he believes in? How would they all feel if he came out and said the guy is a whack job?
I beleive his initial response was well calculated based on what NObama and his campaign knows regarding the details surrounding the relationships in that church and Chicago. They simply realized they needed to roll the dice and do what should have been done in years 1 through 20. Now, he looks just like the politician his uncle described.
I disagree regarding "newest rants". His statements were nothing new.
I also disagree he did this for NObama. He did this for his ego and it appears to me he did not like the fact NObama did not defend hiim fully.
There was no need for the politician comment...are the comment he was coming for NObama in Nov...that does NOTHING to help him IMO.
Lets see if I am correct and the Rev continues with his tour and turns the heat up. I predict....you will hear more...unless NObama finds a way to silence his uncle.


Active Member
Originally Posted by gonefishcrazy
I hang out with all types of people, that does not mean I'm what they are. Nobody is perfect.How could Obama possibly be a racist when his mother is white?
I guess you are still sleep too.
There is a difference between hanging out with someone a few times and having a close association with someone for 20 years. Also, this was his pastor and somone he held in high regard. Quotes him in his book and selects a sermon title for his book. ...hardly a casual relationship.
The church states you need to adopt a black value system. THis is not a message of unity. FOr whites, it would be difficult to be a member of this church would it not? I would be disqualified because I was not black.
Also, we heard his Rev Uncle preach haterd toward whites, jews and america. he claims the gov't is run by rich white people does he not? He also stated the gov't created and injected the Aids virus in the black community as a form of genocide did he not? In taking these two comments....whites run the gov't..therefore whites killed black people by intentionally inflicting the AIDS virus on blacks. What do you call that....racism or truth?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I think its now time to get back to what Obama's message is about and put this Wright thing passed him... Wright is not the one we need to be concerned about ..
I think you best send Wright a memo...he stated he was coming for NObama in Nov and Jan if elected. So...it would appear Wright believes he will have a place on the NObama team...or at the very least he beleives he will have his ear.

It appeared to me he expects his nephew to address his rantings and be accountable to him.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I would hope that people won't be mislead based on a person that has nothing to do with what is going to happen over the next 4-8 years.. And concentrate on who is best equipped to bring us out of this rut we are in.
See earlier post above

Wright to Obama: 'Coming after you'
By MIKE ALLEN | 4/28/08 11:58 AM EST Text Size:
The pastor insisted Obama 'didn’t denounce' him and 'didn’t distance himself' from Wright’s controversial remarks, but 'did what politicians do.'
The Rev. Jeremiah Wright said Monday that he will try to change national policy by “coming after” Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) if he is elected president.


Active Member
Interesting comments from Mary MItchell..black writer for Chicago Sun-Times. I wonder if NObama's solid base of black support is beginning to weaken? I believe her comments might explain why NObama reacted like he did initially several weeks ago.
So, when Obama says America was "offended" by Wright's harsh language, he isn't speaking for or to Black America. He is speaking to White America.
As much as I want to see Obama make history by becoming the first black man to be elected president, I don't want to see a warrior like Wright denigrated to prove to white voters that Obama is not a radical.
When Obama denounced Wright's angry words but refused to disown him, it signaled that he understood the sensitive tightrope he is being forced to walk.
His "outrage" over Wright's latest remarks signals something quite different. With the gap narrowing, Obama advisers are obviously scrambling for every white vote.
But really, what more should blacks have to sacrifice? Their dignity?
Frankly, Obama and Wright risk becoming metaphors for the ongoing struggle of blacks to unite politically.
Obama shouldn't have held a press conference to deal with Wright.