Observation in QT- Help!


Hi All - I have 2 baby Ocellaris clowns for about 5 days now in my 55 gal. They are eating ok, usually only taking a few bites 2 x a day - is this normal? They are about an inch long and not very fat at all. Day 5- I have noticed one looks like he has dry skin - is this normal? From the midsection towards the tailfin, slightly is cracked in places. I have a QT that is just about ready, cycled & all - doing final testing & water change now. I was going to put in QT first but they appeared quite stressed as they came from a 10 gal w/multiple clowns - BAD lfs!! I did carefully try to look at all the fish in the tank & all appeared healthy, slightly stressed though. They had been there around 4 weeks, lfs tells me. I probably made my first mistake in buying them, but is the only store in driving distance up here in Maine, & I'm not too big a fan of buying online... Should these fish be going into my QT now? I will get a pic if I can, very hard as the fish is so small! Tx! jill


Staff member
That sounds like brooklynella. Check out the pictures of fish with brooklynella in the Diseased Fish Thread. If this is it, you will need to treat fast or loose the fish. The treatment is formalin bathes and the procedure is explained in the FAQ Thread. Both topics are at the top of this forum.
You must treat immediately.


Thanks - I did look at all the pictures & thought that was the closest comparison also - although Brooklynella looked more like bruising to me than flaking.. If I give them a formalin bath, will it hurt them if they do not have anything or it's something else? Luckily I have the supplies ready as I wanted to be prepared for anything, looks like my dog won't be the only one getting a bath tonight! I hope they come out ok, they are an absolute wonder.. :joy:


Staff member
Brooklynella is flaking, shedding.
As long as you follow the formalin directions posted in the FAQ Thread exactly, the fish will not have a problem. Do you have formalin on hand? If not, you may want to make a trip to the LFS tonite.


Beth - thanks for all your help- I think these 1st 2 fish may be my last. Not but several minutes after your last post, one of the clowns showing symptoms died of Brook, I have to assume. This was only 2 hours after noticing the flaking, peeling symptoms (which appeared in 1 day)- so anyone who notices this - you have NO time to spare, must do the formalin bath quick or it will take your fish very quickly. SO - I have 1 clown left - shows no visual signs of Brook- I discovered I did not have any Formalin at the house last night & cannot get any until today. I gave Larry a freshwater dip for 4 minutes last night following instructions exactly & he appeared better afterwards, was not swimming around the surface anymore. I am picking up the formalin this afternoon, I pray he can wait till I get home after work to save him. I should be giving him the formalin, right? He has to have been exposed to Broolynella... He did not eat this morning and was swimming near the surface at bit- those are his only abnormalities. This is very discouraging for my first 2 fish, is the Brooklynella something they contracted at the lfs? This is my fault for not having the formalin at hand, I feel terrible, but there was just not enough time. Any tips on helping my sole survivor would be great. Tx!


In addition - I just called the LFS - I described the same symptoms to them & they said slow down, is probably just a toxin in my water as their clowns are fine. They want me to bring some water to test & put a sponge in my tank for 24 hrs to possibly absorb a toxin & identify? They said don't do any FW dips or formalin baths until that is determined - well, this fish may not have that much time- I don't see from what I've read that a 10/15 minute formalin could really do much harm other than stress a little. I'm going to do the bath just in case..Beth, would you agree? Thanks


Active Member
i dont know about beth but i agree with you if it is brooks the you dont have time to wait for an outcome.