I am obsessed!!! I love them so much! Ok yesterday i picked up 2 regular firefish(not the purple) and by the next day i am addicted to them. They are such a KEWL fish and they are actually much prettier in my tank than i thought they would be. They add a little pizazz to my tank! Plus i think i got a male/female pair because one of the firefishes top fin id a lot longer than the oher ones. DOes that mean they are a pair?? They like to kepp close to each other. And last night one of them snuggled against the rock and the other came up next to him and laid on top of him. It was SWEET! If they are a pair is there any chance of them spawning in my tank? Has anyone elses ever spawned in a tank before. Oh and one last thing i THOUGHT damsels were supposed to be territorial and firefish were supposed to be shy. Well when my firefish got close to my damsels hole my damsel shot out and did that tail thing to him but Mr. Fish didn't take any beef from him. He put my damsel in pecking order after the first day of being there!!! It was hilarious. Sorry for such a long post but i love these firefish. Anyone else as obsessed with this beautiful fish as i am? ~RYAN~