occellaris clown pair


Will be moving my tank soon and was thinking of adding two ocellaris clowns at that time. Currently I have an 80 gal. FO tank, with a flame angle, and a sleeper goby. Anybody forsee any problems with adding the pair. Also looking for suggestions of on or two other smaller fish I could add. Want to leave the Flame as pretty much the biggest fish in the tank, and was leaning toward something like a royal gramma.


Active Member
I don't see any problems adding the two clowns with your other fish, but I would wait until a couple weeks after you move before you add them. Moving a tank can cause a mini-cycle and you should let your water parameters stabilize again after the move before you add more fish.
A royal gramma would be ok. Other fish to consider: firefish, bangaii or pajama cardinal, green chromis, clown goby
Hope this helps!


Active Member

Originally posted by tboman2
pseudochromis would be a nice addition solid color and they stick out really good.
those will go with your clowns and the flame angel

One thing to keep in mind with pseudochromis is that they can be very aggressive. I know several people (myself included) who has added one only to have to remove it later because it terrorized the other fish.


How aggresive will my flame be if I add the clowns in later? Was thinking I could buy them at the same time I moved the tank and quarantine them for six weeks or so. My flame isn't overly aggressive, but I have noticed that he will rub against the goby as if to reaffirm that he's the king of bunkers hill. Also narrowed my decision for final additions to two fish. Either three green chromis, (so they can school together). or a bicolor blenny. Will the blenny and the goby be competing for the same food source? my goby pretty much eats off the surface but I really like him and don't want to cause him to starve.


I would definetly add the pair of clowns when you set up at your new place. Clowns are very hardy fish they can stand a complete cycle let alone a mini cycle. I know many people don't like the idea of having new fish go through the mini cycle but the clowns will be fine. Clowns and damsels are the hardiest fish out there, they come from the same family. As for adding another fish, I would go with a fairy wrasse they are very cool. I have a vicious 6 line wrasse in my tank that will no way in hell let me add that beauty. Plus my tank ain't big enough for another wrasse.
Good Luck.


Funny you should bring up a wrasse, cause that's what I would like to add but all of my looking around has led me to believe they aren't the most peaceful or hardy fish out there. Checked into the fairy wrasse's. I like the Orange Bar Fairy Wrasse. Anybody know how this fish would do with the clowns, flame angle, and sleeper goby. Would it's color offend my flame since they are very similar. Also liked the Scott's fairy as a second option, if an option at all.


New Member
You shouldn't have any problems introducing the pair, just make sure that you buy them both at the same time! I have also had sucess buying both clowns to grow into dominant male and female fish! This ensures that they will have the best chance with co-habiting the tank together! A fairy Wrasse wouldn't be a good choice, because both an established Flame and the goby eating from the surface would be a little to boisterous for the little retiring fairy wrasses. 3 green chromis probably would'nt school they would more than like just setup 3 smaller territories and just sort of hover. A Royal Gramma, Black cap Basslet or a 6-line wrasse would fit perfectly as the last fish!


yeah, may be going back to the royal gramma. the price tags on any of the fairy wrasses I like are a little much anyway for the time being. Decisions decisions, so many pretty/cool fish!!