Ocean Light HQI 250W Pendant


New Member
Does anyone have any insight into this setup? Seems like a pretty good deal for $240. I'll be putting it over a 20 gallon long coral only setup. Any information or opinions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Active Member
i think you may have heat issues over that tank with that much light.
maybe think of downgrading to 150w MH, you will be able to keep anything with that as well.
as for that particular fixture, not too familiar with it, but i have the reefstar 250w mh pendant and its awesome. maybe check that one out (it comes in 150w as well).


New Member
The only reason I'm thinking 250 and not 150 w is because the 250 is only $15 more. I'm thinking if I want to upgrade this tank in the future the 250 would be more beneficial. Thoughts? How much of a difference in heat are we talking?


Active Member
Since it is a pendant you can adjust how high it is over the tank. Also, adding a fan to come on when the lights do to blow across the tank will really help heating issues.


Active Member
with the heat form the 250w, you may have problems with salinity since evaporation will occur so rapidly. you will have to top off constantly unless you buy a auto top off, and even then you will be going through top off water like crazy.


I have a 250w over my 35hex. I top off about a gallon a day. I built a hood with a 4 fan unit on the back, and the temp stays at 80. Good luck!


Active Member
ive got a 30 gallon long with a 250w MH and i top off about 1/2 gallon a day. i also have a 10 gallon sump so this adds to the total tank volume.