Ocean Motions 8 way


Active Member
Anyone use this, or any other products by ocean motions? I want an 8 way for my 380, and 2 of the revolutions for the 40 gallon.


I use an OM 8 way on my 150. I like it. Just got some revolutions in so I'll be putting them on soon but they came threaded so I have to get some couplers to be able to put them on.
I have noticed one minor problem. If you use hard pvc and you get enough airbubbles in the pipe the OM doesn't work well until the air is out of the pipe. It will stick on one setting. Other than that it works great.


Active Member
tree, do you know anything about the revolutions, sorry if I spelled that wrong? Does anyone else know anything about any of these products?


Well, they seemed made pretty well. OM has a video on their site of how they work. The basics are that you need something like an OM or SCWD which changes the water flow. When the water flows into the pipe that has a revolutions on it, the unit is forced down along a track which turns the nozzle 45 degrees. Then when the water stops the unit floats back up.
The flow you get is based on the type of revolution you get. You can get a single outlet with the nozzle at 15, 30, or 45 degrees, a unit with 2 nozzles, or a unit with 3 nozzles. The multiple nozzles are all on whenever the revolution is on. You can custom order units as well.
I got 2 units with a single 30 degree nozzle and 2 units with 3 nozzles one each at 15, 30, and 45 degrees. I have 1" piping and the revolutions came threaded. I got the PVC connectors yesterday. Still haven't gotten them installed yet but soon. I can post more once they are installed.
I know Squidd was concerned that they might cause "jiggle" of the water rather than good water movement. I'll post what the final results are once I get them installed. I have visitors coming this weekend so it might have to wait until next week :-(


Active Member
Thanks tree, do you mind that I ask you all these questions, cause if not, I would like to get your opinion on something, if you could email me, it might be easier to email then keep checking back to the forum? If not, Iunderstand.


BellaNavis, Go ahead and ask your questions here. It might help someone in the future as well. Besides, if you subscribe to a thread you get an email that tells you when to check back.


Active Member
Ok, thanks. I was wondering what you would get from oceans motions for a 40 gallon? I want to make it a reef. The tank has 2 holes drilled? Why only 2, don't ask, Adam is silly. Any suggustions (sp) would be helpfull.


Originally Posted by BellaNavis
Ok, thanks. I was wondering what you would get from oceans motions for a 40 gallon? I want to make it a reef. The tank has 2 holes drilled? Why only 2, don't ask, Adam is silly. Any suggustions (sp) would be helpfull.
The standard unless you ask for more is 2 holes drilled. Do you plan on having a sump and/or fuge with the 40g ? Are the holes on the bottom or on the back of the tank? What types of corals will you keep (you did say reef)? This will determine how much flow you will need.
If you just take the 2 predrilled holes and run them below the tank to a sump/fuge you could use a SCWD on the return pump to alternate the current (Max of 1400 gph on the SCWD). The SCWD is very reliable - I ran with one for over 2 years and it is cheaper than any of the OM products and doesn't take electricity. The only OM product I would get for a 40g would be the revolutions to go on the return pipes. With the SCWD you would have 1 pump that pipes to the SCWD, then the water separates into 2 pipes that go into your 40g display tank. Then the choice of revolutions is up to you. I like the idea of the 3 nozzles at different angles so that you get water flow everywhere.


Active Member
Ok, I totaly do not know what scwd means, I know, slap for me. And do you mean that one hole would be used for the return, and one hole used for the drain? I am sorry for all the questions, I really have no clue. Yes, I will have a sump/fuge for the tank. Thanks again.


"SCWD" = Switching Current Water Device sold at many online outlets and in lots of local fish stores. Somewhere around $40 and takes in 3/4 inch tubing and puts out 2 outlets of 3/4 inch. The velocity of the water moves gears that cause the flow to alternate between the two outlets.


Active Member
i run an OM 4way on my 180G sps tank i really like the quality of the product and there customer service i talked to paul from OM on the phone for an hour on a sunday and he was very kind and explained it all!
deffinately recommend


Originally Posted by murph145
i run an OM 4way on my 180G sps tank i really like the quality of the product and there customer service i talked to paul from OM on the phone for an hour on a sunday and he was very kind and explained it all!
deffinately recommend
Does the OM come with all the plumbing, or is that something you fabricate from PVC? :notsure:


Active Member
the OM is basically just the drum u have to do all thge plumming depening on your setup
its not very difficult just figure out what kind of flow u want in your tank and then figure out the best way to do that and go from there
heres a few old pics they might help show u might CL with the OM 4 way
i have 2-1" intakes in the middle of the back panel of glass one on each side of the OF box....
they then T up in the center to a 2" T the 2" PVC pipe then goes straight down to my Sequence Reeflo Dart pump it has a 2" intake so in the pump it goes then to a 1.5" outlet straight backup to my OM 4 way at the top of my tank centered over my OF box as u can see in the last pic... then it split up in 4 - 1" outlets to the tank...2 on each side i ran one lower midlevel in the tank and one in the upper leveles to create a random flow through out all levels of the tank



Active Member
heres an up to date pic of my tank now... i realy like the 4 way and so do my sps... i also added a seio 1500 and a seio 820 cuz with the bigger growing sps they need more flow


WOW! That's an awesome setup! Was the tank pre-drilled or did you get it done? How many GPH is the Dart pushing? Impressive!


Active Member
i had the tank drilled to my specifications when i ordered it from Lee Mar to fit what i wanted
the Dart pushes a max of 3600gph im figuring with the loss in head of 4' its probably closer to 3000gph but the random flow created by the OM is whats important
thanks ive put alot of work into this tank lol