Ocean Nutrition Seaweed Selects


I have a Coral Beauty Angelfish, I got some Ocean Nutrition Seaweed Selects red marine algae. The dried seaweed kind. I tried to place it in difrent placese in the tank and he wont eat them. I am trying to make sure he gets a good diet any sugetions? I do feed him veggie flakes among forzen food mysis shrimp, brine with sirulina, baby raw krill and the Ocean Nutrition Veggie cubes "not sure what the real name is". I d like to get him to eat this seaweed, he picks at my live rock all day so i know hes getting some greens in his diet.


I buy mega marine algae....it's a frozen food too...I soak it (amongst the many otehr cubes for this tank) in selcon, vita-chem, zoe, zoecon and garlic.....alternating of course....
ALSO...try the green algae sheets...they are supposed to be enriched with garlic....altho my tangs like them better than anyone


Active Member

Originally Posted by carlos413
I have a Coral Beauty Angelfish, I got some Ocean Nutrition Seaweed Selects red marine algae. The dried seaweed kind. I tried to place it in difrent placese in the tank and he wont eat them. I am trying to make sure he gets a good diet any sugetions? I do feed him veggie flakes among forzen food mysis shrimp, brine with sirulina, baby raw krill and the Ocean Nutrition Veggie cubes "not sure what the real name is". I d like to get him to eat this seaweed, he picks at my live rock all day so i know hes getting some greens in his diet.

Dwarf angels natural diet is filamentous mi
croalgae, so not totally surprising that most don't immediate adapt to eating dried seaweed. Continue to offer it, but remove if uneaten after a few hours. Might try rubberbanding the seaweed to a piece of live rock instead of attaching it to the glass. Worked for my Potters angels.
I would also feed some of the previously suggested foods. Variety in diet is key.


ALSO...try the green algae sheets...they are supposed to be enriched with garlic....altho my tangs like them better than anyone

I agree. My 2 tangs go crazy when I put the green algae enriched with garlic. They will eat a 3x3 piece in a couple hours.


Originally Posted by scottnlisa
I agree. My 2 tangs go crazy when I put the green algae enriched with garlic. They will eat a 3x3 piece in a couple hours.
LOL...mine eat that in a matter of minutes
...they are piggies