99% of all marine fish in this hobby are wild caught. Clowns and one or two others are the only fish that thus far we have been able to breed on a commercial level. So far we just have not been able to find a way to breed most fish in a way that is economical. True a few people might be willing to pay top dollar for say a captive bred flame angel but most will would rather just pay $40 bucks for a wildcaught. Unlike fresh water fish whose habitats are relatively simple to replicate, ocean fish require much more in terms of resources and space and spend much time just getting past the larval phase. Very few motile inverts are tank raised either. Theres a few snails that can be but it i just too resource intensive to compete with the price of wildcaughts. Corals on the other hand are easier and you should be able to get tank raised corals of about any species you want, just be ready to pay for it. The quality though on all tank raised species is worth the price IMO.