Oceana or Bang, or anyone else that may know


Active Member
I was told by my lfs that you can use baby brine shrimp to feed baby clownfish. What do you think about that? They got me to buy a hatcher that mounts inside the tank and as the tiny brine shrimp hatch they exit the hacther and go into the MT to be consumed by the newly hatched fish. I tried it just for fun and after maybe 12 hours or so I can see lots of tiny specs swimming all around. It looks like they are about the right size to be eaten? Are they maybe just not as nutrcious(sp) as rotifers? Thanks.


Active Member
I think even the baby brine would be too big for baby clowns wouldnt they? Also baby brine although more nutritious than adult brine is still not THAT healthy for fish.
Better to wait for someone else to reply to this though!


Active Member
here is the chart from the book clownfishes
0-4 yea no no
5-7 yea optional optional
8-10 yea yes optional
10-12 yea yea yea
12-15 optional yea yea
16* optional no yea
17-24 optional yea yea
25* no no yea


Active Member
o yea by the way in the book it says baby brine is as nutrisious as older brine just wanna let u now.


Active Member
read "clownfishes" by joyce wilkerson
for baby clownfishes, they are simply too big- you may get lucky and a few may make it-I would only try the bbs if there were no rotifers avail, and even then I would make sure they were decapsulated and that they were "san francisco" brine as they are smaller.
I would also make sure they're "enriched" if they're not getting any rotifers.
as far as the hatchery goes, I don't think I'd even try one on my fry tank- If you're not using decapsulated eggs, or doing it yourself then you're gonna get all of those shells in the tank and they can kill the fry as well. Each fry can eat like 25 brine per day-or something like that- if you overfeed then you're asking for an ammonia spike when they die off.
I guess I forgot to ask how old they are, I assumed they just hatched-
so how old are they? and do you have access to rotifers?


Active Member
no. but its not just the rotifiers
you need there food as well.
you can either buy rotirich or you can start your own phyto culture


Active Member
Thanks for all your responses everyone. I was kinda caught by surprise the other night when my wife & I noticed that our clowns had laid a bunch of eggs. We thought it would be kinda cool to see if we could get some to make it but only one survived overnight toi have us catch it & place into a grow out tank. It died about 20 min later.
I will get the clownfish book and try to be more ready for next time though. Thanks again for your help.


Active Member
the whole process is very amazing to wittness IMO. If you decide to raise the fry it make take a few hatches to get it right, but you'll have lots of chances since they lay eggs every couple of weeks..enjoy it, not everyone gets to experience this part