Oceanic 29 Bio Cube fish getting in filter


New Member
I have an Oceanic 29 Bio Cube. I have a pink spot goby that has jumped into the filter compartment and into the pump. Is there an easy solution to isolate the tank from the filters? Has anyone else had this problem?


Active Member
Ive heard of a number of people having fish do that. Im not sure how they get them out. Ive also heard of people finding fish that they thought had died 2 months ago in those things.


New Member
A trick I have heard of is taking the water proof silicone and putting a type of screen on the intake, if that works for your particular intake, downside is it has to be checked daily to make sure it doesnt plug up, You could always try stacking rock to try and block it from the fish, or if its possible, adjust water level, Id have to see the intake on it to know, hope I helped, goodluck