Oceanic 29 gallon Bio Cube - Set Up question(s)


Hello everyone. I am not necessarily new to salt water fish but I am new to Nano Reef Systems and set ups. My previous experience with FOWLR (I previously used Canister Filters, Power Filters w/ Bio Wheels, & Protein Skimmers. I had a 30g, 84g, & 180g). A few years ago I moved, sold my tanks, and am basically starting over again.
I received as a gift a new Oceanic BioCube 29gallon, and I would like to set it up as a Reef tank. Like I said I have some experience, but not with Reef tanks.
I would appreciate any advice, suggestions, or opinions anyone may have:
I do plan on doing weekly 10% water changes.
My plan / questions are:
20lbs of live sand, at least 40 lbs of live rock (to start). Is that enough (live sand and live rock)? I have read to much live sand could be bad but I never heard of to much live rock being a bad thing…..
The Biocube has a UV Sterilizer (sold separately) that seems to go nicely in line (in the 3[sup]rd[/sup] chamber) connected to the return pump. Is it worth buying? Again, I have read it might not be needed (but I also thought better safe than sorry?).
Protein Skimmer:
I thought about buying the Protein Skimmer that is made by Oceanic for the Biocube ($40). I read mixed reviews (everything from it was no good to some people who had no problems with it and liked it). I could always replace later when I can afford; in the meantime, it seemed ok. I was also looking at a CPR SR3 Protein Skimmer ($130). Or what about a Aquatic Life Mini Skimmer ($60)?
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Placement of Protein Skimmer and what to do with the Wet Dry filtration system.
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I know for sure (per EVERYONE’s suggestion) to REMOVE the bio balls in the second chamber (ok). But I have read several variations on what to do at that point:
Fill with Live Rock (possibly a small light to turn into a Refug.?)
Leave empty (or possible run carbon or filter floss?) I read if there is enough Live rock in the main tank display, you don’t need any extra in the back?
If I use the Biocube Skimmer, it is recommended to put in Chamber 1 and remove the filter cartridge located there (I can also put the heater in this chamber).
Or, if I buy the CPR SR3, it would fit in the 2[sup]nd[/sup] chamber and I can put the heater there (then no live rock).
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I read many people say to remove the filter cartridge in the first chamber. I have never ran a tank with out some find of filter cartridge somewhere? Opinions?
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I know this is a lot (and I might be all over the place) but there seems to be many variations on what one could do…….any advise would be greatly appreciated.


Duuuuude! Just start off with cycling the tank first. You're putting alot of carts before the horses. Just worry about cycling the tank right now, save your money until it comes time to get the skimmer, uv light, and all.
I have the biocube29, and I love it. I am completely novice and have not had any experience in this hobby, but am slowly getting addicted.
Just fill the tank with RO/DI water, or distilled. Don't make the same mistake I made and add a polluted water source, very polluted (my city water straight from the tap)


Dude, I know to start off cycling the tank, like I mentioned, I have some experiance. Thanks anyways though.
The tank is new in a box and I am starting to get my extra components and wanted to just get it right the first time setting it up so I wont have to make changes later.
I guess what information I was really looking for is how other Biocube owners have set up their tanks (mods), equipment, etc.
I did some research on the threads last night and found great advice from SPANKO (seems to really know his stuff).
He posted a pic (diagram) of his set up and it was exactly what I was looking for.
Thanks though........