Oceanic 46 Bow Front. What fuge?


New Member
Anybody have an Oceanic 46 bow front with the stand? I am trying to figure out what fuge will fit in the stand. I wanted to get the CPR Aquafuge Pro Small, but I don't think it will fit in the stand.
I don't have time to build one right now, so I want to buy one.
Rick L.


I dont have the bowfront tank you are referring to you but I have built a fuge for 2 different setups and here is what I did. Take careful measurements of how much room you have to work with in the stand and then get the biggest fuge you can find that will fit. You do want to give yourself about 4 inches of clearance at the top though so you can reach in there when you need to. I'm thinking you should be able to find something in the 10G to 20G range that would fit.


I had a 44g pentagon that i was able to fit a 10g fuge in. I had to empty the tank and put it in through the back though. So do what trigger11 said and take careful measurements of it.