Setup as FW now but can be converted to SW or kept as is if you have multiple tanks.
Black Oceanic 72 bowfront tank.
Black ABS canopy and black reef ready ABS stand with smoked glass door.
Emperor 400 filter with unopened 2 pack of carbon inserts.
TetraTec deepwater air pump with airline tubing and 12 inch bubble wall.
48 inch twin tube strip light.
48 inch single tube strip light.
90 lbs of pea size gravel
Over $250 worth of silk plants and other decorations.
Renaissance 250 watt submersible heater.
2 6 inch nets.
Remainder of Tetramin Pro crips fish food (big can 3/4 full).
Remainder of 20 gram bag of Hikari algea wafers (1/2 full).
Remainder of 20 gram bag of Hikari sinking wafers (3/4 full).
Remainder of 1.3 lb package of Seachem Phosguard (about 1/2 full).
Remainder of 16 ounce bottle of Amquel (about 1/2 full as well)
Remainder of 16 ounce box of aquarium salt (about 1/4 full)
1 5 inch marbled angel.
2 3 inch bleeding heart tetras.
2 3 inch black phantom tetras.
1 4 inch flying fox.
2 2 inch zebra danios.
1 2 inch jhuli corydoras.
1 3 inch peral guorami.
1 3 inch purple and white female betta (really cool looking).
I also have an Aquaclear mini filter that can go with this.
I will not part it out.
Whole setup must go.
$750 OBO.
Pics will be up in a day or so. You can see the whole ABS setup at the Oceanic website until I post pics if interested.
Email me at SJordanides@msn.com
Black Oceanic 72 bowfront tank.
Black ABS canopy and black reef ready ABS stand with smoked glass door.
Emperor 400 filter with unopened 2 pack of carbon inserts.
TetraTec deepwater air pump with airline tubing and 12 inch bubble wall.
48 inch twin tube strip light.
48 inch single tube strip light.
90 lbs of pea size gravel
Over $250 worth of silk plants and other decorations.
Renaissance 250 watt submersible heater.
2 6 inch nets.
Remainder of Tetramin Pro crips fish food (big can 3/4 full).
Remainder of 20 gram bag of Hikari algea wafers (1/2 full).
Remainder of 20 gram bag of Hikari sinking wafers (3/4 full).
Remainder of 1.3 lb package of Seachem Phosguard (about 1/2 full).
Remainder of 16 ounce bottle of Amquel (about 1/2 full as well)
Remainder of 16 ounce box of aquarium salt (about 1/4 full)
1 5 inch marbled angel.
2 3 inch bleeding heart tetras.
2 3 inch black phantom tetras.
1 4 inch flying fox.
2 2 inch zebra danios.
1 2 inch jhuli corydoras.
1 3 inch peral guorami.
1 3 inch purple and white female betta (really cool looking).
I also have an Aquaclear mini filter that can go with this.
I will not part it out.
Whole setup must go.
$750 OBO.
Pics will be up in a day or so. You can see the whole ABS setup at the Oceanic website until I post pics if interested.
Email me at SJordanides@msn.com