oceanic or all glass

yello tang

I am going to get a new 125 or 180 aquarium soon depending on cost I was wondering should i go with all glass or oceanic should i get reef ready packages or by an overflow what do u think is a better aquarium on experience? my LFS said they heard of aga cracking and leaking but oceanic they never heard of them cracking or leaking any advice will be helpful


I first started with a 55 gallon acrylic tank and hated it. Although the big scratches can be removed, there are always thousands of tiny little 'micro scratches' that can't. With that in mind, the water never seemed to look 'crystal clear'. Get a pre-drilled all glass with an overflow and you will never be disappointed.


yello tang - definitly go glass. And of the two I like Oceanic.
On a side note, acrylic is not that hard to deal with, it is much lighter than glass, therefore easier to move, and it looks really good. But it attracts coraline in vast quantities (a good thing on the back and maybe the sides, but not the front.) and it does scratchy easily. Most ******** scratches are impossible to see, and the exterior ones can be buffed. Glass has the advantage of be able to be cleaned with a single edged razor. For that reason I like glass.
If you want a sump (I would say this is a must) get the tank drilled. Siphon overflows can cause problems later.


baron, my e mail is jakob3001@excite.com
actually, they did remove that band & that was on online retailers, which none of the LFS here are as of yet; well, there is that one famous chiclid breeder in north houston;I think he sells online


I am interested in that information too, I am concidering a larger tank and would apreciate some input on Houston clubs as well.


I just bought the All Glass predrilled 75. I went with the black trim because I thought the wood looked to fake. Very pleased so far.


Active Member
Of the two Oceanic is much better quality. Buy the reef ready, easy to hook up and nothing hanging off the back of the tank that could get knocked off. I bought my oceanic 110 rr from That Fish Place in Lancaster. You will not find a better price around. I plan on buying another 180 to 220 hopefully in a year or two but it will be Oceanic from That Fish Place.


I have and always have had all Glass aquariums and never had any problems. So they are a good aquarium. But I do have to agree with everybody else about Oceanic being a better tank. If you have the money go for the oceanic and have it set up reef ready. Good Luck. :cool: :cool:


When your looking at tanks check the thickness of the glass. Also on the Oceanic if you look at the inside rim you will see that it is sealed. It"s a better tank.