Oceanic or Tropic Marin Salt?


Well, I'm cycling my tank using Oceanic and just tested for Calcium. Needless to say, Calcium is through the roof and my pH is a little low. I proceeded to do some research on it and it seems many people have had these same problems. Just wanted to get everyone's opinions on Tropic Marin, as I have never used it? And what is the difference in the regular and pro? Better results than with Oceanic? If so, I'm thinking on switching on my next water changes. Thanks...


I've never used Oceanic or Tropic so I really don't have an answer for you but I have been using IO for about four years, and never had a problem. All do is add some calcium and i'm good to go


Yeah, I've used Instant Ocean before, but was never entirely please with the results. I just wanted to see some people's experiences with the so called "higher-end" salts...


New Member
I have used most salts on the market and they are all are fairly consistent. I used Tropic Marin with great success in reef tanks, Fish only tanks and Invert only tanks with good consistent success...Healthy, thriving and Growing animals. The best advice I can give you is pick one that you can afford and stick with it.


Yeah, cost is not really a factor as I won't be using it too quickly. I really just want to know if better results have been achieved with the Tropic Marin.


Active Member
So far I have used Corallife - which I stopped using as my calcium was way up like 600+, so then I switched to Oceanic. But after I bought it I found out it is high in Calcium as well. So now I battle calcium between 540-620 thus far. I read on another thread that several folks on here mix IO and Oceanic to get the perfect balance for PH, ALK, and Calcium.
I purchased a small box of IO so I can start doing water changes with this and see what happens. If it works then I will alternate between the two when I do water changes every week. We will see


Active Member
Originally Posted by milomlo
So far I have used Corallife - which I stopped using as my calcium was way up like 600+, so then I switched to Oceanic. But after I bought it I found out it is high in Calcium as well. So now I battle calcium between 540-620 thus far. I read on another thread that several folks on here mix IO and Oceanic to get the perfect balance for PH, ALK, and Calcium.
I purchased a small box of IO so I can start doing water changes with this and see what happens. If it works then I will alternate between the two when I do water changes every week. We will see

i also use IO. love it. i have tried several others but with IO i have found that water changes is the only thing i ever need to add to my tank


Active Member
i started off using i/o- i really wasnt too thrilled about it. then i switched to oceanic, which i really really like- but now i just buy r/o saltwater from my lfs- i think she uses oceanic.


Active Member
Tropic Marin, I used IO and my tank suffered. Just today I tested my mixing tank Cal 420, alk 10. I'm thinking of using the pro-reef next and give it a try. Have to do some reading first. Its very consistant I wouldn't use anything else.


I am trying the new Red Sea Coral Pro salt. I was using Oceanic. So far my calcium and Alk levels are much better!


Tropic Marin is very good salt, it is all I use now!! I didnt like the Oceanic, I had diatoms after every water change with that.

jonny bolt

I have used Tropic Marin, Oceanic, Instant Ocean, and Red Sea before. But since trying Reef Crystals, I have had not switched. -- has given the most consistant test results over the past 6 months, so I see no reason to move off it now. However I will say that if I ever did decide to switch again, I think Red Sea would be my second choice.
The only other salt I am willing try is the Seachem stuff, but unfortunately I am unable to find it around here to test it out.


New Member
I just tested some tropic marin pro.
Ph was low. 7.8
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
Calciam at 380-400
That is all the test equipment I have. I left the salt gravity low at 1.022 at room tempeture with ro water.