Oceanic salt has Silicate


I mixed up 20g of salt water to cure some new live rock in.
I tested the water just for grins.
80 degrees
1.026 SG
7.88 PH
680 Ca
11.6 DKH
Tested for Si because I ran out of P04 test kit
Si 2ppm
I used Salifert test kits.
I have recently switched back to Reef Crystals because I was getting a diatom bloom after every water change with Oceanic.
The only reason I bought Oceanic again was because the LFS was out of Reef Crystals. Luckily it was only a 50g jug.
Water was RODI 0TDS (Hanna meter)
If you are using Oceanic salt and have a Si test check it just for grins.


Well that sucks.
Time to track down the makers of Oceanic and see if they can give an explination.


I am running Phosphate Silicate sponge right now I have also added Super Buffer to try to equilize the levels.
By the way I forgot to mention Mg was off the chart Salifert only goes to 1500.


i tested a new bucket of oceanic last weekend and got no po4 nor Si02
been using it for nearly a year and no algae, diatom, or cyano blooms yet
this last batch did test very high in Ca and low in dkh (most salts are low in dkh)... but i bumpted the dkh up and the Ca fell in line. doesnt bother me about the Ca anyway... i have a decent sized tank with lots of sps growing in it. (i will take all of the Ca i can get)


im using oceanic also. i got a high ca. around 600 or more. but i have had no problems. none what so ever.


Active Member

Originally posted by Jamnman
I am running Phosphate Silicate sponge right now I have also added Super Buffer to try to equilize the levels.
By the way I forgot to mention Mg was off the chart Salifert only goes to 1500.

I got the same results Mg . . . .


ok I am a newbie. had my FOWLR for about 3 months now and I also use oceanic salt. I have had an off the hook diatom algie problem ever since the tank cycled. I tried a bunch of diffrent things to resolve the problem. now first off i hear allot of people telling me that the diatom algie has to run its course and then it will go away, this has to be crap because its been happening for over 2 months now. I have stoped using the light so much, then got diffrent lighting thinking that would help. I always do a complete cleaning of the tank once a week or so and then use the diatom filter. It seems that the blooms are when i do my water changes or when i top off. I checked my water for sylicates and there arent any. plus one time i used a distilled water batch. so if there is a conclusion to this problem I would LOVE to know. plus I was talking to a friend of mine and they said that the oceanic salt has no trace elements and I should use reef crystals. is this true? :notsure:


This batch of oceanic I just got blows red sea away. My Mg is just over 1500 and Ca of 600, Ph 8.2, ran out of Dkh but used an ooold kit that just reads high. The red sea crashed the whole tank and I lost a lot of stuff (always gonna test the new salt before I use it) but it's coming back nicely with the Oceanic. By the way. The red sea had a Ca less than 200, Mg of 900 and a Ph of more that 7.8. Anyone else had this problem or did I just get a bad batch? My RO/Di is fine.


I am using tap water with a conditioner and letting it sit for a few days. I have also used distilled water and got the same result. my tap water is not bad here and really is no problem as long as you get the chlorine out. the conditioner takes care of the rest. I tested the distilled water and as pure as it was i got the diatom bloom just the same.


I couldent tell you that. I take it to the lfs and they do it for me. the only kits i have at my house are the mardell strips and a calcium and dkh kit.