Oceanic Salt Users...


Active Member
Used Tropic Marin and changed to IO b/c I got a bucket from a used tank deal I got. With IO my tank took a serious dive. Cal, alk, mag were all out of wack. Changed back (Tropic Marin) a couple weeks ago and my tank is finally coming back. It is amazing to me that it takes no time to destroy what you have and it seems it take forever to get it back.
I started using Tropic Marin for the same reason as Funky! It would take a lot for me to change again. I agree with testing before it goes in the tank. Lesson learned!


I actually went from the Oceanic to Coralife. I don't like that at all.. such back to IO.. went out and got a bucket last week.


Active Member
i was with IO, but switched to oceanic...for one, my salt actually dissolves nicely now...i think the tank looks better


We've always used Instant Ocean so I don't have any frame of reference here. Seems to be a LOT of differing opinions that I'd like to understand though if anyone would care to post more about it.
Maybe the problems people experienced were because they SWITCHED from one with such and such in it to another with different stuff in it which threw all the old stuff out of whack?


I use Oceanic in all 3 of my tanks and have been lucky and havent had any strange things happen but i do check the first 5 gallon batch i mix out of every container to make sure its but I am waiting on my LFS to get some Tropic Marin Pro Reef so I can try that out


When you say you used IO do you really mean Instant Reef? Same brand but different formula. Has anyone noticed a difference between the two? I am currently in the middle of a bag of Crystal Sea but have not been as thorough as the rest of you about testing a fresh batch.


Originally Posted by Firedog
When you say you used IO do you really mean Instant Reef? .

IO = Instant Ocean made by Aquarium pharmaceuticals. They also make a supposedly better salt called Reef Crystals.
I've never seen someone say IO but really mean Instant Reef, in fact what is Instant Reef? as salt I've not heard of???


Originally Posted by Firedog
When you say you used IO do you really mean Instant Reef? .

IO = Instant Ocean made by Aquarium pharmaceuticals. They also make a supposedly better salt called Reef Crystals.
I've never seen someone say IO but really mean Instant Reef, in fact what is Instant Reef? as salt I've not heard of???


I must correct myself. It is not called Instant Reef, it is Reef Crystals. Or Instant Ocean Reef Crystals. That is Aquarium Systems formulation especially for reef tanks. Because they are from the same manufacturer I am guessing there are some who might use the two product names interchangeably (is that a word?) . Reef Crystals is supposed to have extra calcium, trace elements, and vitamins. I don't see it in stores as much as Instant Ocean but usually easy to find online.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishmamma
I tried the oceanic because I like the convenient pour conatainer. I did prefer the texture of Oceanic but ultimatly went back to IO over the calcium. Back to the crappy bags.

I just pour those crappy bags into my Oceanic jugs, since the jugs are nicer.

Cut the very tip off the corner of the bag and pour away....
Denise M.


I'm switching from IO to IO Reef Crystals pretty soon. My reasoning is that the change hopefully won't be drastic as the same company makes both salts. Anyone else out there using IO Reef Crystals? Good, Bad?


i used reef crystals only have 3 50lb buckets. and my calcium is 180 and my magnesium is like 400.......... on both buckets.. i dunt kno what is going on..
im about to throw them away.