Oceanic Vs Coral Life


Does anyone know the big differences between these 2 salts. I've emailed the manufacturer a couple of times and have never received a response.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by bender77
Does anyone know the big differences between these 2 salts. I've emailed the manufacturer a couple of times and have never received a response.

Difference in price maybe.....as for content they are equals. IMO

murray bmf

I've used (and continue to use) Oceanic with great results. Not sure of the "specifics" in terms of content. Oceanic is a quality brand so I gave their salt a try when it first came out and it worked great. I like the pre-measured packages as they are really easy (and I'm lazy) Prior to that I used Instant Ocean exclusively.


I've used Tropic Marin, Instant Ocean and Coralife.
We are currently trying out the Coralife salt and so far we like this the most. Corals have never looked better.
I don't think they are different content wise, but for whatever reason, our tank looks a lot better with Coralife salt. Also, the salinity stays more consistent now as well.
I had no luck with SPS with Instant Ocean.