I am so confused. I am pretty new to this, but I have done lots of research and continue to do so. Can anyone give me advice on the whole wet/dry system for Oceanic with the bio-balls. I cannot get my nitrates down and have heard many opinions about getting rid of bio-balls.
First, my setup:
125 gallon reef ready with 2 corner overflows
Overflows to sump with mechanical filter pad covering plastic plate with holes in it, which then spills into bioballs.
Next---Water goes into 3 inch sand bed in sump with Chaeto and live rock.
I put a partition up half way in the sump with lots of holes in it, then my protein skimmer gets the water, and I have a bag of carbon and phospate absorber.
Next is the wall divider that goes to the pump and back up to the display tank.
My questions:
Can I get rid of all of the mechanical filters and the bio-balls?
How do the pods get up into the display tank, if you have a pre-filter on your pump?
Can someone please tell me the proper set-up from experience?
This is driving me insane, I would really appreciate it.
I have 3-150W halide 4 96W CF--(Lots of Brown & Green Algae with tiny bubbles attached to everything because of nitrates, I'm guessing)
RO water only
weekly 10% water changes
8.00 at night 8.25 during day
Please help me with my nitrate factory!!!!
Thank You in advance
First, my setup:
125 gallon reef ready with 2 corner overflows
Overflows to sump with mechanical filter pad covering plastic plate with holes in it, which then spills into bioballs.
Next---Water goes into 3 inch sand bed in sump with Chaeto and live rock.
I put a partition up half way in the sump with lots of holes in it, then my protein skimmer gets the water, and I have a bag of carbon and phospate absorber.
Next is the wall divider that goes to the pump and back up to the display tank.
My questions:
Can I get rid of all of the mechanical filters and the bio-balls?
How do the pods get up into the display tank, if you have a pre-filter on your pump?
Can someone please tell me the proper set-up from experience?
This is driving me insane, I would really appreciate it.
I have 3-150W halide 4 96W CF--(Lots of Brown & Green Algae with tiny bubbles attached to everything because of nitrates, I'm guessing)
RO water only
weekly 10% water changes
8.00 at night 8.25 during day
Please help me with my nitrate factory!!!!
Thank You in advance