OCELLARIS and PERCULA compatibility


New Member
Please forgive if not on correct thread, etc, first timer posting, and also newbie clown fish keeper.
I have 50 gal tank, no other fish. 1 day ago added 1 1/2 inch 'percula' clown (looks like ocellaris to me but no expert, LFS says percula). 1 day later I went back to same LFS wanting to add same size black ocellaris and they say no, they'll kill each other. Went to another LFS who says you can never have more than 2, they'll kill each other. Having read about them and behaviour in groups in wild, I decided to try anyway but watching closely and will remove if there's a problem. So, bought a black ocellaris same size as first fish, as well as smaller 'percula' which this LFS said would get along fine. So far, all 3 fish stick together like glue, swim together sleep together.
Can you give me the straight scoop? Were LFS people right to say never more than 2, and never mix the 2 types?


Everything I have read, heard and seen says pairs only. The reason I've seen most commonly is that when they get older and one becomes female she will pair off with one of the other two. Thus leaving the third out of the loop and quite likely to be attacked, picked on and bullied. Now I was told the b/w would be ok with a orange as long as they were the same species but not to mix the occ with the perc. Just what I've heard, but I would def. NOT keep three clowns in one tank as eventually it will most likely turn bad for one fish.


New Member
ok thanks for your input. I've read that in the wild they go in small groups with all besides the pair turning into non-reproducing males.


You should not keep more than 2 per tank. Eventaully 2 will pair and odd man out will be ostracized, brutalized or killed. As clowns mature they can be very territorial and may not tolerate other clowns (besides their mate) near. As far as pairing an ocellaris with a percula, they are different species but they can be paired and usually do without problems. If anyone tells you they cannot or won't pair you can refer to the book "Clownfishes" by Joyce D. Wilkerson. They will also breed and their offspring will be viable and fertile. If I were you I would see which 2 get along the best and then remove the third. Good luck with your clowns : )


Originally Posted by bluecichlid
ok thanks for your input. I've read that in the wild they go in small groups with all besides the pair turning into non-reproducing males.

Yep in the wild they may go in small groups the problem is that you have 1 odd man out if you had a big enough tank for two pairs then they would most likely be ok. I agree with Lmecher, I'd pick my favorite two and return the odd man out to the store, that way there isn't he risk of him getting bullied and killed by the dominate pair. But that's just my .02.


On a personal basis no. All I can say is we jumped into this hobby with both feet and thank goodness for question on boards and at store. I was gung ho, walked into the LFS and stated I just bought a tank I need clown fish, tangs, wrasse, gramma, etc... Thankfully my LFS put the brakes on me fast and sent me home to cycle my tank

During that time I read and read and read, I to wanted three clowns because I wanted the "Nemo" clowns for my kid and the B/W clown because I thought they looked neat. By asking on the boards and then going back to my LFS and talking to them I was advised that three, five, seven equalled bad numbers as there would end up being a "loner" fish that would eventually end up dying. (most likely)
I was also told that in a bigger tank, such as a 120+ that more then likely a second pair would be ok but to have a second pair in a small tank would likely not work out either. We let the tank cycle for 7 weeks and then went out and got our pair of clowns and...the kiddo has her Nemo Fish
They are still the only fish in the tank and will remain so for another two weeks before they get a roomate.
It's just what I heard, what I was told and what I read. I'm by no means saying that it is 100% what will happen....I just went by the experience of those that had been in the hobby awhile and that advised that it would most likely end with the death of a fish and was sharing what I was told