Ocellaris Clownfish

sea goblin

I have one Ocellaris Clownfish in my tank right now that has been in there for probably close to a year now, my question is could i add another Ocellaris Clownfish in the tank?
Im still thinking about even if i really want to do that though, even if they would get along. I only have a 30 gallon tank, and right now it has the clownfish, a yellow tail damsel, and a CB dwarf angle fish. Any thoughts on this would be great, either if im at my stock limit now, or if adding a new clown would be ok.
Thanks, Sea Goblin


If you put more than one clownfish in a tank you must introduce them at the same time. Adding another clownfish now would not be good. As far your stacking limit i would say you could add one more samll fish in there but it would have to be a tough fish because damsels are very aggressive.


If you add another clown, make sure to get one that is much smaller than the one you currently have. If you add one that is the same size or larger they will probably fight a lot, but you have a really good chance of them pairing up if you get a smaller one. WHen I had a pair of clowns in my 20 it was awesome to watch them. I recommend trying to pair him up with another one, they have really cool behavior patterns and are fun to watch interact with eachother.


Active Member
definitely you could add another, just make sure that it si
1) a small juvie, and not the largest in a pir at the lfs. This will insure that it is not a female
2) make sure it is smaller than the one you currently have.


If you already have one clownfish and are introducing a petential mate, make sure the newcomer has plenty of hiding spaces. Your original clown has probably taken on the female gender. The female is larger and more agressive than the smaller male and will establish her dominance. As others have said, make sure the newcomer is smaller than your current fish. If possible, pick the small one from the group in your lfs's tank. It is probably an adolescent who has not transformed into a male or female. After establihed, (and beaten down by your female) the newcomer should become the male.


I agree with the others, make sure its small and have plenty of hiding places for it. I just got a blue-cheeked goby the keep my perc. happy.