Ocellaris or Percula


The eyes match that of a True Percula, but he doesn't have the thick black around the stripes like the Percula does. And the picture is too blurry for me to count his dorsal fin spines. If you can get a clearer picture I can tell u.


Looks kinda like a Ocellaris, since there are not dark bands aroudn the white...but then again those bands are small on young fish and widen with age, so it could be that it is just young.
I have what i thought was a pair of percs. but i think i may actually be once of each. i bought htem sparate times at differnt stores and since you can't always trust what the people at the pet store say i am not positive what i have.
From my research i am pretty sure the are both percs, but hte smaller one may be a ocellaris....anyone have an opinion. :happyfish
The first one is Roland, had her for two years, the tag on the tank said wild caught percula
The second one is Issabel, had him for 6 months, tag said true ocellaris, sales man said true percula.



Those are both ocellaris you can tell by the eyes. But im sure you dont mind because u had them so long and grown so attached to them. I just hate when the LFS gives you bogus information. I mean if you sell the product make sure you know about it and what it is, I mean thats only fair, considering your selling it to other people.


I know what you mean....I tryed to be sure I was able to tell myself, but when they are little and in massive groups in the store it is so hard to tell... and the LFS people usually dont know what they are talking about, I have been sold star polup as xenia!!! they are nother alike!
I just thought they may be Perc.s because the larger one is such a dark redish orange, and ocellaris are usually a lighter orange, but since the black bands didnt seem to be widening with age I began to wonder, and posted for some opinions
Oh well...I love them and my entire tank revolves around them...lol...Roland the one I have had for two years is a sweet heart, when I put my hand in the tank she will come and lay in my palm and kind of rub agenst my fingers. It is cute, almost like she is pretending I am a host or something. :happyfish