Ocellaris or Percula


I was told this was a percula pair...but I'm pretty sure they are Ocellaris so could someone help me out.
sorry the pic is blurry but lights were off and i didnt want to use the flash because i just got them tonight.


They got to be ocellaris. The stripes are very thin, though you can have an ocellaris with thicker outer stripes (mine is like this). Their stripes aren't that thick and percula always seem to have thick stripes on inside and outside.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Soldier0117
They got to be ocellaris. The stripes are very thin, though you can have an ocellaris with thicker outer stripes (mine is like this). Their stripes aren't that thick and percula always seem to have thick stripes on inside and outside.
soldier, welcome to the boards. Love the avatar. I love my queen angel juvi.


In my opion there is no true way to tell other than how fast they get all three stripes after metamorpasis. The only true difference it the # of vertibate in there spinal column, but even then the numbers sometimes over lap. Also they are almost impossible to count when the fish are alive. Nice looking pair and to be honest with you it does not really matter. The only time it matters is if you want to breed and sell. Ocellaris get all three stripes in about 2-4 months where perculas take about 8-12 months. Sorry.