Ocellaris OR True Percula Clownfish???


Now that I have completed my cycle and am not too far from getting a cleanup crew, I want to consider my 1st Fish over the next few weeks...
I plan on my 1st (2) being clownfish and not sure if I should get Ocellaris or True Percula Clownfish, or if there is enough difference to tell or notice. Either way I go, I'm leaning towarrds Aquacultured or Tank Bred... and there seems to be little difference in price.
Any thoughts or suggestions?


I've had both, and in my opinion I'd rather have the true percula. I have a false pair right now. I don't know what it is, but I just don't' like them as much. Maybe it's the black eyes. The true perculas I bought had more of an orange look to them. My current false ones see kind of erie or evil in the eyes. :p.
The thing I didn't like about my true perculas is that once they found my BTA they were not out and about. Now my false percs are in the anemone only at night. They tend to be very active during the day.
Just my 2 cents though


Active Member
The only way to tell the difference between true and false is the amount of black in the stripes. The middle stripe will have more of a point, and the black from around that stripe will more than likely merge into the black of the front stripe.
the tank raised clowns are much mor hardier... id go with them