Ocellaris's Last Stripe Turning Gray


One of my Ocellaris Clown's last stripe near his tail is looking more gray than white. Especially compared to his mate... There are no noticible behavior changes, and the only other issue going on is a Royal Grama is being QT'd due to Ich. The Grama was in the tank for a couple of days before he was QT'd. Any ideas?


mine has that too:eek: but it seems fine....:notsure:
first the female got it... then a month later the male... but dont worry it doesnt bother them:yes: so i dont mind... it makes them different from the rest:yes: :happy:


So it's just coincidence and not the sign of a disease? I'm also not positive that my Royal Gramma had Ick... Things got progressively worse with him until he died earlier this evening...


Active Member
My male false perc has the same thing and has since I got him as a juvenille about a year and a half ago . . . . at first I used it to tell the two apart, but now that the female is twice the size, it doesn't matter. I don't think that the coloration is any sign of disease. Genetic mutation perhaps, but nothing to be concerned with.
Just out of curiosity, is it an aquacultured fish?


mine are aquacultured, i think... cause when i got them they were less then an inch long, but peronally, i like the grey stripe:)


Yes, she is aquacultured... Very glad to know that I don't need to worry... I love my clowns and would hate for something to happen to them!!! Thanks for your help!!!