Ocellars Clowns not eating


I have a 125gl Fowlr running for 7 or 8 months. I recently started adding fish. I have a yellow tang, red-spotted blenny, royal gramma, 2 clowns, 1 coral banded shrimp, 1 peppermint shrimp, a few snails and a few red legged crabs. The snails, crabs and shrimp have been in the tank for several months. The tang and blenny have been in for a week and a 1/2, the gramma and clowns have been in since last Thurs.
The clowns were not paired when I got them but during acclimation they took an immediate liking to each other and have pretty much been together ever since. The one that I suspect is the male has been showing submissive behavior, showing his belly to the other and doing a little shake. So, they were eating great up till Sunday. They didn't eat at any of their feedings. I still haven't seen them eat and it's been almost 3 days. I thought they were supposed to be very eager eaters.
Now here's the thing. They don't look like they have gotten thinner. In fact one of them actually looks slightly bigger than the other and they were the same size when I got them. There are no outward signs of parasites. They are not swimming in the current with open mouths nor are they swimming with their mouth open all the time. They typically stay in one spot and hide all day only coming out at night after the tank lights are off. I have tried the following different foods: flake, gut loaded mysis, brine shrimp, blue zoo mix, and today I bought scallops and chopped them up. My other fish are really enjoying the feast but not my clowns. I even bought a BTA yesterday because I thought maybe that was what they wanted since they are wild caught.
My tank params are: 0 nitrates, 0 nitrites, 0 ammonia, ph is fine. Tank temp is 76. I do regular water changes and clean out the filter material every few days.
Can anyone please tell me what is wrong with my clowns? Any advise is greatly appreciated.


HI CARMEN....Welcome to SWF.....What are you trying to feed them?
when you say ph is fine...can you give a #?
DUHHHH...let me read more....LOL


Do you have any garlic extreme, or fresh garlic...you can try soaking the food in a drop of that
sorry about the food question above...lol...I just looked right over it


Active Member
Also, try to target feed them with a turkey baster, so you can see whether or not they actually take the food. Mine actually comes up and hits the end of the baster.


lol...I don't have anything with garlic. What can I get at the LFS? Any food with garlic in it?


Originally Posted by cjrose
lol...I don't have anything with garlic. What can I get at the LFS? Any food with garlic in it?
You can buy garlic extreme at the LFS in a jar with a dropper....or buy fresh garlic at the grocery store and use the juice...


ph is between 7.8 and 8.2. My husband has added buffer at it will go up to 8.2 but comes back down to 7.8. That seems to be a constant for this tank.


IDK about ph fluctuations...usually there is something that causes that
BUT...I would soak the mysis in some garlic (when you get it) try that


Active Member
Oh yeah, garlic extreme will help with appetite unless something else is going on...BTW, Any time you attempt to change pH levels in your tank, remember that fish are very sensitive to pH changes and if it's done too rapidly, it can cause extreme stress or even death. Fish should not be exposed to a change in pH greater than 0.3 in a 24-hour period.


The PH doesn't quite get to 8.2 I use the dip sticks. The color is usually closer to the 7.8 color. When my husband puts the buffer in it gets closer to the 8.2 color but never quite gets there. Basicly it's almost always closer to the "acceptable" color.


Active Member
Uh Oh...the masses will descend and tell you not to use the "dipsticks".
Might I suggest buying a different PH test...You might be suprised at the results..


Just a tip....throw away the stick tests...they stink
get the tests that have the liquid...API kits, or Salifert are good brands
actually Salifert is best but kinda pricey....API works good IMO...and cheaper :)


Originally Posted by luvmyreef
Uh Oh...the masses will descend and tell you not to use the "dipsticks".
Might I suggest buying a different PH test...You might be suprised at the results..

LOL...I was typing mine out as you posted that..LOL
But i have used strips and the others..so I can tell you from experience the strips stink


So I have to get different liquid tests for everything or just the PH? I knew saltwater tanks were expensive but I had NOOOOO idea it was THIS expensive...lol I should have just stuck with my Orandas!


Active Member
Well, I hope the masses don't descend upon me for this. but *********** sells stuff for cheap. And yes you need a master kit that includes ph, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, calcium, phos.etc. etc.

you beat me meowzer!!


I bought my fish from Blue Zoo Aquatics and Vivid Aquariums. Vivid is only 25 min from me so I will check them out tomorrow.