Octopus compatible?


Im a new hobbiest and haven't kept salt water fish before. Im good with animals and really know how all the tank things work. Ive read a lot and know about all the water chemisty. The thing i cant seem to find out about is keeping an octopus. Not a large one, but a little one. I know they are tough to keep but I think with enough info I ll be able to manage. I do know that they will actively hunt other fish and animals in the tank. But are there any fish or animals I can put with the octopus that will be safe? Id really apprieciate any info you can give me. Ive tried to find things in books but they just dont have enough info for me. thanks.


New Member
they can be mean even to fish much larger than it... mine (not that big) chased around and took a piece out of a 10" dogface puffer.. then he became buddies with a black molly.. even later he pushed through the plastic rim on the back of the hood, which was duct taped up, and got out and died overnight.. anyway im guessing it depends on the personality of your octopus but they defenitely have the potential to be harmful to even aggressive fish.


octopus are to be kept in species only tanks meaning it should only be kept by itself or with other octopus, and they dont last very long I belive its something like six months to a year. where abouts in NJ are you?
yep, like rane said they dont last long in a tank, and if they get stressed or scared or whatever they release ink which can be harmful to your tank, they are also considered the most intelligent inverts of the sea. and if the one you saw is a blue-ring octopus dont buy it, the blue rings are sometimes offered in the trade and are small but if that thing stings you, you can die within an hour without even noticing the sting.


I know people that have kept octopus and the LFS i worked at used to carry them.....They should ONLY be kept by themselves, because they definitely will attack and eat anything you put in the tank, including another octopus...Before I started working at the LFS they ordered 2 octopus, without really knowing much about them, so they put them in the same tank and within 5 minutes both of them were dead.....As previously stated they are extremely intelligent and will escape from your tank through the smallest hole...It really is amazing how they can fit their body into such small places.....As for the ink, they only shoot it when extremely agitated/stressed.........The ink will kill the octopus if a 50% water change is not done......I think it was sammystingray who said that the ink itself isn't poison... however, it will degrade the water quality to such an extent that the oct will die as a result.....And unless you are a professional, I would avoid the Blue ring...it isn't worth your life....some octo's will live a long time, if given the proper environment, but most will not (few months is average)...hope this helps :)


I knew they are not very good in captivity and usually only have a lifespan of 6 months. So the octopus do well by themselves? I knew the blue ringed octopus was poisonous, and I wasn't considering it. I couldn't take the risk, as you said. Does anyone know what type of rocks or corals they prefer? That would help. thanks.
Rane: I live in northern NJ, Berkeley Heights.


Ocotopus like caves and other things to hide in....... flower pots are good for an octo tank along with any other "cave type" structures(they generally like more than one)........They dont' like a tank loaded with live rock so as they can't move but a few structures and some open area to move around in would be good


dont get the blue ring. If it bites you, you will probably die. they dont even fare well at all in captivity. most die within 2 weeks. they strike when harrased and their rings become a very pretty vibrant blue.


Octopus are super predators, IF you attempt tp keep one make sure that you can keep a lid on because anything their beak can fit through.... so can the rest of their body.