Octopus HELP


The other day I saw a small octopus swimming around my liverock and go into one of the holes.
What should I do???
Occupants are:-
2 tclowns
1 coral banded
3 glass shrimp
5 snails
8 hermits
and the stuff that comes with lr


Active Member
if you're possitive it was an Octopus, you're in for a frustrating experiance.
Check online for fish traps. Also, you can wait an hour or so after you turn out the tank lights and search the tank with a red lens flashlight. Once you find the octo, you can try to capture with a net.
Also, to fully be able to help you, I'm gonna need a larger picture of your avatar.


Originally Posted by AW2x3
if you're possitive it was an Octopus, you're in for a frustrating experiance.
Check online for fish traps. Also, you can wait an hour or so after you turn out the tank lights and search the tank with a red lens flashlight. Once you find the octo, you can try to capture with a net.
Also, to fully be able to help you, I'm gonna need a larger picture of your avatar.

Further if u try to capture in a net and is releases ink is this going to affect my other occupants???


Active Member
Most fish cannot see the red light.
If it does ink, you can scoop it out with a fish net or suck it out with a turkey baster. Their ink is thick and does not dissipate quickly/easily.


thanks alot I will probably try the 2ltr bottle trap. Cutting the opened end off then reversing it inside the bottle and sealing it.


It really needs to be some sort of hatched trap to get an octopus. Or you need to be watching the trap and pulling it out as soon as the octopus is in it. Otherwise it will just crawl back out of the same hole it came in through. They are quite smart little critters...


me too...to get an octopus thats healthy...thats a rock'n good deal... I would just see if he hurts anything of yours...normally they are extremely expensive and hard to keep... i'd just enjoy the fact that you have one
I know I would....but again...I dont have any thing small in my tank....just bigger stuff..

Good luck!
Luuuuuuuucky. hehe little Dynamite ty in there.


Originally Posted by PiscesBlue
put a small fiddler or emerald crab in the bottle and only make the hole a bit bigger than a pencil.
That is an excellent idea. It does depend on how large the octopus is though...


cut the top off a 20oz soda bottle and invert it. Superglue the inverted top back in place and put a small crab in, this will prevent the crab from escaping. Watch for the octopus and pull the bottle out when he goes for the crab, then send me the octopus


Active Member
omg luuuuccccckkkyyyy!!!!!! If i were you i would go use one of my tanks or go buy one and set it up just for the octopus if it is healthy and expecially if you have had it in there for awhile thats a good sign that it probablly would live lucky i wish i were you or atleast i had that happen to me!


Active Member
may i ask what you are going to do with it when you catch it?(don't kill it give it to me! or someone else if you are not going to keep it.


I live in australia so i cant give it to anyone in the us. if i catch it i will put it back in the water i just live down the road from the ocean. Cant be bothered setting up aonther tank for it and the lid needs be be pretty good too i heard. The emerald crabs are they the small rock crabs ur talking about????


I would not release that thing back into the ocean unless you know for a fact that it comes from that specific area.
Wouldn't want it to end up like the rabbits you guys have!


Active Member
Originally Posted by PiscesBlue
Whoa! You're in Australia? If that octopus has some pretty blue rings on it, run! :scared:
Yes. its bite can kill you....the Blue Ring Octopus is a small octopus ( rarely over 4 inches ) Yellowish with blue rings and spots....


But the blue rings and spots are rarely noticed until it is too late! When the octo feels threatened that is when the rings are visable, and in most cases that is too late because the bite follows. No cure and 100% fatal I believe so do be careful before removing it. They are located in the southern waters of australia i do believe.