octopus lighting


New Member
i have a actinic light and was wandering if it would be ok for a octopus, also i was wondering what everbody feeds there octopus? thanks


New Member
octopus are active during night time so if u wanna see some octopus in action turn off the lights. u can feed them of live preparations such as shrimps, sliced fish meat or live small fishes like chromis etc


i dont believe many people have octs. because if they are spooked they will relese ink which means a super big water chasnge for you would not recommend


i had an octo and i never did a super water change after an inking, thats like a total myth...sure it looks gross all black, but teh filter cleans it up in a few mins plus they dont ink that often, my inked like 10 times in 5 months! all my fault for walking to fast to the tank or being too loud. but yes, subdued lighting is good, but mine began to come out in daylight all the time!
just my experience.