Octopus NW 150


I have the Octopus NW 150 running externally from my sump on a 120 gallon. The skimmer works great, collects a lot of gunk daily. My problem is this:
Whenever power is cut to the the skimmer, and then power is restored, the skimmer cannot start up properly in terms of bubble production. I have to lower the water level in the skimmer below the pump (recirc), and then restart. As the water re-enters the body, it immediately starts producing bubbles and works flawlessly.
I have contacted the distributer and even went as far as sending the pump out for inspection and nothing was found. It's as if the pump cannot startup under the water pressure in the body.
I have been living with this for some time, however I see that many people have these skimmers on this site and was wondering if anyone had a similar problem or a suggestion to resolve.
Thanks for reading.


Active Member
have you modded the pump anyway??? only thing i can think of is that the impellar cant handle moving a high concentraion of water.. in our case 100 h2o when it is off... the reason as to why it works after the water lvl s lower in the skimmer body is because the water lvl in the venturi line is axactly the same lvl as the water in the body... so.. when the skimemr is fll of h2o .. the pmp cant cope w/ the resistance but when lowered .. it is pulling both h2o and air.. which is now as dense and the skimmer works like it is sppose to.. try this test... next time it dies.. insted of lowering the water lvl.. blow in the airline .. so what happens... i bet it will work again..


I do not have any mods to the skimmer. You bring up an interesting point. I will try doing what you said.
I'm surprised no one else is having a similar issue.
Thanks for the reply.


Active Member
no problem
ill try ti get back at you if you need further help but dotn hold me for it.. school is killing me.. and i dont come on swf too ofthen.. shoot me a pm is anything..