Octopus Pics


I just got my octopus a couple of day's ago. He hasn't done much, but i am sure he is just getting use to the tank. Jon321, what do you keep the temperature at, because i have heard different answers. I keep mine around 78-80farenheit, do you think that is too high. I'll try to post some pictures too when i get my camera. Bye


Active Member
Originally Posted by 805puffer
I just got my octopus a couple of day's ago. He hasn't done much, but i am sure he is just getting use to the tank. Jon321, what do you keep the temperature at, because i have heard different answers. I keep mine around 78-80farenheit, do you think that is too high. I'll try to post some pictures too when i get my camera. Bye
Cant wait to see them.


I just got my octo about a month ago, she's all alone in her tank with an exception of some sea stars and a cucumber. She's doing great so far, I made her a couple little caves out of the live rock, I love it when my friends come over and try to find her only to see them jump back when they realize shes right in front of their faces (she changes colors so well in the live rock.) Right now she's been eating mollies, silversides, and green crabs, theres deffinetly nothing wrong with her appetite. I'll have t post some pics up soon!


thanks for the reply sankysyuck.
Here is one picture of mine, i just recently got it, so he is still getting used to everything. Sorry if my picture taking is poor.


Active Member
Guys - how big are your tanks, and how old are they?
Your octos are AMAZING - long life to all of them! :happyfish


i have a 20 gallon and i have been cycling it for about 3 months. I don't know how old my octo is becasue he was wild caught, that's the bad thing about wild caught octos, you don't know how old they are.I've only had him for 2 days now.


Originally Posted by 805puffer
i have a 20 gallon and i have been cycling it for about 3 months. I don't know how old my octo is becasue he was wild caught, that's the bad thing about wild caught octos, you don't know how old they are.I've only had him for 2 days now.
mine is in a 30 gallon and I only have had him for 2 days too.


Mines just a 20 gallon, surprisingly enough, they do very well even in such a small space! My next 50-60 gallon tank ill put her in (If she's still alive, im not sure how old she is)

tang luver

New Member
I thought pet octopusses were against the law? Or maybe that's just squid and jellyfish. :confused:
Well, anyway, they are cool!

tang luver

New Member
Oh... hmm... I was going to get a coatimundi, and I found a site that showed animals that were/weren't against the law to own. Octopi was one of them. Maybe it's just in Canada.


Where I work we have 2 giant octos right now. We have had them for about 6 mo. They are kept in those little plastic Critter Cages and they need a heavy rock on top so they won't get out. No one wants them because they are hard to deal with. They run for $59 to $69 depending on their size.
House of Tropicals
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Phil Oxman


that's what my price was. It was 48 for the octopus and 20 for shipping. They are definately worth it though. Mine is doing very well and the only thing he likes so far is live crabs, it gets kind of expensive, but it's worth the money.


You don't need to spend money on crabs. I'm not sure where you live, but i live in New England, and around here, if you go to the beach late at night when it's low tide, you can catch hundreds of crabs, there everywhere. I was just at the beach last saturday and caught about 100 crabs in about 20-30 min. I threw all the ones under 3 1/2 inches back which was most of them and took he rest home for feeding to Lola (my octo.) I have a couple plenn plax containers which ive divided the crabs into, then added an air pump to each container, so far they seem to be doing fine, there all still alive. I actually placed 2 smaller crabs in one of my bigger tanks thinking they'd die from the warm water and then my eel would eat them but they surprisingly are still alive and stealing the other fish's food! oh well..


and by the way, octopus should easily be able to be trained onto frozen food, i started with live ghost shrimp and live minnows and within a week it was eating most anything from your hand!