

New Member
What do I need to know about Pugmy Octopuses? What do they eat? Where can I get one? Where do i find out more?


Active Member
they are small..nocturnal..probably never see it. eat anything it can get its arms on..crabs, fish, snails, clams. not reef safe. will move rock work to its likeing. only live 6-8months in captivity.
take a little extra care. tank has to be sealed because they will climb out.


An octopus is an extraordinarily smart animal and you need to do a lot of research to make sure you have comfortable accomodations and the right foods. I will tell you that they can and will crawl right out of the aquarium. You have to have a very secure lid. The lid must be secured or tied down, not just laid on top of the tank. (Go to the website at Monterey Bay Aquarium where they have a really fun video about their giant octopus reaching out of its tank. http://www.mbayaq.org/efc/octopus.asp)
Octopus are very intelligent creatures and they are capable of learning.
Octopus are aggressive predators and will eat anything they can get ahold of so think carefully about your tank and its other inhabitants.
When I was in college, there was an octopus there who learned how to crawl out of his tank and go to the refrigerator and open it to get fish! This is not an urban legend. I saw it recorded on a camera that was set-up when the science department couldn't figure out who was stealing their fish out of the refrigerator and leaving it open! I loved that octopus. He would stick his tentacle out and play hide and seek to find where you hid the fish in your clothes.


Active Member
Originally Posted by OceanLover
When I was in college, there was an octopus there who learned how to crawl out of his tank and go to the refrigerator and open it to get fish! This is not an urban legend. I saw it recorded on a camera that was set-up when the science department couldn't figure out who was stealing their fish out of the refrigerator and leaving it open! I loved that octopus. He would stick his tentacle out and play hide and seek to find where you hid the fish in your clothes.
Just a tab bit far fetched. Could I get an octo and train it to get me beer, from the fridge?
The same story about the bio lab that couldn't figure out who was stealing their crabs, from another tank. The story goes that they set up a camera and saw the octo climb out of the tank, down the table leg, across the floor and up into the crab tank. It would then eat all the crabs, climb back down and back over to it's own tank.


lol apparently two people didn't get the memo about how outgoing links are prohibited on SWF forums. :thinking:


Originally Posted by thud
lol apparently two people didn't get the memo about how outgoing links are prohibited on SWF forums. :thinking:

I beleave the prohibitons is links to other forums or Fish suppliers. I dont belave that Monteray Bay Aquarium fals into either catagory.


Odd rule. I doubt saltwaterfish really has anything to fear "competition wise" to the forum I recommended.

Do a search on google for an octopus forum, you'll find it.