Originally Posted by OceanLover
When I was in college, there was an octopus there who learned how to crawl out of his tank and go to the refrigerator and open it to get fish! This is not an urban legend. I saw it recorded on a camera that was set-up when the science department couldn't figure out who was stealing their fish out of the refrigerator and leaving it open! I loved that octopus. He would stick his tentacle out and play hide and seek to find where you hid the fish in your clothes.
Just a tab bit far fetched. Could I get an octo and train it to get me beer, from the fridge?
The same story about the bio lab that couldn't figure out who was stealing their crabs, from another tank. The story goes that they set up a camera and saw the octo climb out of the tank, down the table leg, across the floor and up into the crab tank. It would then eat all the crabs, climb back down and back over to it's own tank.