

New Member
ok i have some questions about octopi how many gallon tank do they need?how hard are they to take care of????how long do they live???? what do they eat and where can i buy it????


they need a good sized tank dedicated to them - they are very difficult to keep - they are escape artists - they do not live very long. IMO they should not be tank captives.


The better LFS's will occasionally carry them, mine even carries cuttlefish from time to time. Octopi should be kept in a Octopus specimen tank alone and the size of the tank depends on the maximum size of the Octopus going in. Most are reef safe so you can keep them in reef tank but I would imagine tha they could do some damage to the polyps with those suckers. They need room! You also have to have a proper lid on your tank (weighted, locked) because all cephalopods are rather intelligent creatures and octopi have a knack for lifting the lid and crawling out of their tanks. Make sure it's properly sealed! Also an Octopos can easily be damaged by overflow draoms or pump intakes, you want to ensure it stays clear of these. The can also fit into any crevice that is as large as it's beak (the only solid part of it's body, so even the slightest lift in the lid and they can escape. I've seen that aquariums will put artificial grass carpeting around the aquarium border to prevent escape because octopi are repelled by the texture.
They don't live more than 1 to 2 years depending on the species. They are also not hardy in captivity.
They are quite fond of clams and crustaceans (crab and shrimp) and can be brought in to take care of mantis shrimp issues. But again, it's not fair to the Ocotpus.
Some octopi are lethally toxic to human, others are mildly poisonous, and others may have dangerous bites.
I'm a huge fan of Cephalopods, and I wish they'd be left in the ocean and only be displayed in public aquariums. They don't belong in the Pet trade.


Active Member
Species only tank, with a tight fitting lid,, hiding areas,, need meaty foods constantly and DO NOT SPOOK IT,, if they INK it will pollute and crash your WHOLE TANK!


New Member
(1)i have every day at home so i would have lots of time for him(2) i think i would order the kind off this site(3) would a fifty five gallon tank work for him and if not whats the minimum size.(4)where could i order the stuff for him and what kind of filter lights...etc
I noticed ur other post on seahorses and I am just wondering why you seem to have decided on trying very difficult species? You said in the seahorse thread that if we didnt provide u the necessary info to keep horses, you would simply go to another forum. I caution you to not be hasty in trying to keep the more difficult species as it may lead you to a lot of heartache


New Member
Originally Posted by NyButterfly03
I noticed ur other post on seahorses and I am just wondering why you seem to have decided on trying very difficult species? You said in the seahorse thread that if we didnt provide u the necessary info to keep horses, you would simply go to another forum. I caution you to not be hasty in trying to keep the more difficult species as it may lead you to a lot of heartache
dont worry about me being hasty its gonna be about a 6 months to a year(probably longer)before i start anything im simply just trying to pick right now
so how many gallon tank do they need?what kind of filter lights etc...........


I was about to get one once so i know alot. No keep ur panties on, not a 200g. The species most commonly purchased are o. vulgaris, briarus, or bimacs. most of these do well in 55's. you also should know to escape proof your tank, skimmer is usually a must- they make 3x as much waste as the equivilent fish bodymass, if they ink it will not crash the tank but it is harmful for them so you must run carbon and change alot of the water, food i dont remember.


also, i dont mean to stear ppl away from buying from this site, but you might wanna buy a specific species. Otherwise you have no way of knowing how to specifically care for it and how long it has to live. Also its really only the blue ringed octopus that is lethal- dont get one.


New Member
Originally Posted by koolaidman
also, i dont mean to stear ppl away from buying from this site, but you might wanna buy a specific species. Otherwise you have no way of knowing how to specifically care for it and how long it has to live. Also its really only the blue ringed octopus that is lethal- dont get one.
ive seen the 55 gallon tanks at wal mart would that work???(with upgrades)but what upgrades everything
and skimmer but........would it need a chiller???


a 55 is a 55, being from walmart i dont think it would make a difference. Unless its an atlantic species you probably dont need a chiller. I believe the species i mentioned are all from the caribean region, but research the species youll get. For equipment youll still need the same ol stuf, its not radically different. Lighting is subjective, youll need a strong skimmer (sump most likely,) and if you want a fuge wouldnt hurt. But please research the specific species and owning an octopus in general because caring for one is far different from a regular aquarium . I can pm you a helpful link or two if youd like. but please dont just take my advice before you make this big an investment.


Active Member
My neighbor had one for a year and a half. He said it was like a dog and very hard to deal with when it died.