Venomous snake bites being painless? A dry bite might be painless, but you will feel a hot bite. I am involved in the snake hobby/community, and have talked to many people (Bryan Greig Frye, etc) and out of the ones bitten, none have said the initial bite is painless. I too would rather work with a blue ring than any species of naja, crotalus, dispholidus, dendroaspis, or lachesis. That is beyond the point though. Which species of forest cobra do you speak of? Neither mambas or forest cobras are in the top 5 or 10 snakes accounted for the most deaths. I believe that list includes the Saw Scaled Viper, Indian Cobra, Fer-de-lance, Common Krait, and Russles Viper. Mamba's are notoriously aggressive, but not necessairly the most dangerous snake. I still want to know where you get your forest cobra as most dangerous snake? Never heard of this before. I will give you the Egyptian cobra point, as they have an extremely fast acting neurotoxic venom. Treble, how old are you? Bo