

so what do u think of octopus's how hard are they to keep and can i in a 25g with 15 lbs live rock? im not plannin on gettin nethingto keep with it but if u can, what? my tank is established and cycle is thru everything is stable, so can i have one?


well im glad to hear your planning to keep nothing with it because
the octo would eat it anyway,i think i would go at least 50 gallons
min with a octo they need room to scavage at night


You could probably keep a small one in that tank. Although octopus' are almost impossible to keep alive for more than 6 months. I wouldn't get one, but if you just really wanna get one, keep a close watch on your water parameters. Also keep a tightly fitted top on the tank to keep the octopus from escaping. If you go with one, good luck! :D


I'm not sure how big one would get but I's seen people who keep little ones in tank's like yours. Be sure and keep the tank completly covered so it doesn't escape.


Depending on species they can be kept on tanks even smaller. Some only get to be 3in max! I plan to keep a blue ring octopus in the future in a 10 gallon refugion of mine. Anywho they must have live food such as ghoost shrimp, hermits, crabs, or shrimps. As said tank must be sealed and conditions good.


well i know they dont live very long and thats the only bad thing i see with it cuz theres no prob with feedin it my lfs both have plenty of feeders like ghost shrimp


I bought one a few years ago for fifty bucks, then like a week later it laid like a zillion eggs and then died about a week later.. ouch...


what else is pretty cool and is rare that u can have in a 25 gallon and i also have a 55gal aggressive with a snowflake eel 4 inch niger trigger 4 inch naso tang and a valentini puffer


Active Member
Treble, reconsider keeping a bluering. If you get bit by it, you are in deep trouble. There is no antivenin for it. The octopus injects a neuromuscular paralysing venom. The venom contains some maculotoxin, a poison more violent than any found on land animals. The nerve conduction is blocked and neuromuscular paralysis is followed by death. The only way you might be saved is if artificial respiration starts before marked cyanosis and hypotension develops. I'm not sure of your age, but under the venomous animals acts/laws you would have to have a permit to keep it. You would als have to have 100 documented hours of working with them (at least you have to with venomous snakes.) Think about it, a blue ring with a 3 inch width could kill a 200 pound man in minutes. Another thing is the bite is painless, you wouldn't even feel it. I hope this makes you reconsider. Bo

oze reefer

don't get a bluering because you'll die in an hour if you get bitten badly and don't seek medical help......get something common and harmless


Blue Ring Octopus poison is tetratoxin the same you see in the fugu or pufferfish. This toxin is deadly, and you can die within 15mins of being bitten. With Blue ring octopus you have to be pretty stupid to get bitten by one. I would rather work with them, then a mamba or forest cobra two of the worldest most dangerous snakes.
Grouperhead the bite of most venomous snakes is painless, and there are people who have dead 15mins after been bitten by an egyptian cobra.


Active Member
Venomous snake bites being painless? A dry bite might be painless, but you will feel a hot bite. I am involved in the snake hobby/community, and have talked to many people (Bryan Greig Frye, etc) and out of the ones bitten, none have said the initial bite is painless. I too would rather work with a blue ring than any species of naja, crotalus, dispholidus, dendroaspis, or lachesis. That is beyond the point though. Which species of forest cobra do you speak of? Neither mambas or forest cobras are in the top 5 or 10 snakes accounted for the most deaths. I believe that list includes the Saw Scaled Viper, Indian Cobra, Fer-de-lance, Common Krait, and Russles Viper. Mamba's are notoriously aggressive, but not necessairly the most dangerous snake. I still want to know where you get your forest cobra as most dangerous snake? Never heard of this before. I will give you the Egyptian cobra point, as they have an extremely fast acting neurotoxic venom. Treble, how old are you? Bo


hes talkin about the blue ring octopus grouperhead and back to my other question what else cool like that could i have in a 55g


Active Member
Joe, I was replying to his venomous snake comments. I guess I got a little carried away. In a 55 aggressive, you are somewhat limited. Good fish include smaller eels, dwarf lions, some hogfishes, some hamlets, and canthigaster puffers. There are some other "oddball" fish such as frog and toadfishes that can live in there as well. Look up some of these fish on the net, and I'm sure you will find some you think you would like in your tank. Bo


I am 20. The Forest cobra i was talking about was Naja melanoleuca. They are located in africa. Mambas have really toxic venom and many snake experts rank them has the world's most dangerous snake species.
The reason i put the forest cobra up there is because of its size,aggressive, and it is aglie like a mamba which is different then most cobra species. They also inject around 500mgs of venom in a bite. If you doubt me ask people who have kept this species.
About the bite, i was watching a show where a zoo keeper got bite by a black mamba and said the bite didnt hurt.
Who else have you talked to beside Bryan Frye? Mardi Snipes who owners costal reptiles is good and there are a couple others that are really good too.


Active Member
I don't know Mardi personally, but people tell me he sales the best hots by far. He has a great site too. I'm at kingsnake.com a lot, and Brian posts there a good bit, as do some other guys (Tom Townsend, Karl H. Betz, and some others). Did you get that hots issue of Reptiles? I thought it was very good. If you don't go to kingsnake a lot, you need to. It is a very good place, with a lot of good forums, etc. Do you keep any hots? I don't (yet), but am planning on it in the future (after done with school.) If you ever want to talk hots or just herps in general, email me. BHanan44@aol.com Put SWF.Com in the subject line. Bo