Odd Coral Beauty Actions


New Member
I added a coral beauty to my 75G FOWLR tank 3 days ago and ever since it has been added it has been acting odd (in my opinion). It spends all day long swimming back and forth as fast as it can from one end of the tank to the other. I owned a coral beauty many years ago that i gave away when moving and it was much calmer than this one - so I am a little concerned. It is eating and it hides in the rocks at night. Is this something that I should worry about, or is this normal behavior. Water parameters are fine.
Anyone have any input, or suggestions??


Active Member
Seems very healthy to me. After being confined, many fish will often zoom around for a while. He's eating and hiding at night-very positive.


Just give some time for the coral beauty to settle it into new home. Most of the time when you add fish to your tank they are trying to get use to their new enviroment. As long as the CB is eating it should me fine IMOP.


New Member
There is a blue spot dwarf puffer, a neon goby, a pair of percula clowns, and a clown goby in the tank. The puffer I worried would bother it, but it just ignores the CB as it does all the other fish. So I think it is ok as far as not being harrassed.
Thanks for all the help.