odd couple- what will they produce?


I have a female ORA false perc, and a male misbread ORA black clownfish ( it has close to perfect circles instead of stripes). They have paired up from what I can tell. What might the babies look like?
also, the female and male are several months old, and around 2.5 inches. but they were just introduced together in a tank. will the female note the size of the male and try to grow even larger although it was already female before she met the new clown?


Active Member
most likely the previous clown was a male. it takes a while until one of them turns into a female. if they are the same size then either one will turn into the female. the one that turns more aggressive towards the other will be the female. which ever one has little seizures is the male, but you have to wait about a couple of months until it is obvious which ever one is female or male.
ummm about half would come out looking normal and the other half will be misbar just like the one you have. there might be a few that will be a little different than the others. Like a weird combo. if you get lucky you might end up with a Picasso or two. they can go for a 100 bucks each. and if you do get lucky with a couple of picassos then you should definitely try to pair the two up. you could make a lot of $$$ with a pair of breeding piccasos. but clown are weird, some might breed within a month, some might breed within a year, and some may never breed at all. i think that the ones that never breed might be different because there are two different kinds, ocellaris and true/false percs. they looks the same but there are a few differences. Like ocellaris have no orange irises in there eyes, they are just black. true/false percs have orange irises in there eyes. there are a few differences too but i forgot, but you can search on google if your interested.