Odd Experiment: Would it be doable?


I had this crazy idea a few hours ago. How well would HIPPO CAMPUS ERECTUS work in a 500 gallon pool. I mean one of those cheap 500 gallon 18 inch tall kiddie pools from walmart. Turn it into an inexpensive, indoor breeding pool. Add to that a large pond filter heated by an inline heater for a 250 gal tank. Sand covered bottom, fake corals/plants and a large koi pond UV sterilizer.
Added to that. A timer with 4 10k t12's going on their native cycle of day and night.
(sudden thought, thought it might be curiously funny but feasible.)


While it might be do-able, it's way overkill IMO. There really is no reason for something so large - the fry aren't raised with the parents, and 500 gallons for a few breeding pairs would just be a nightmare to me. Especially if they could only be viewed from the top.
The height of the breeding tank is the most important aspect. I've had seahorses breed in barebottom 18" tall tanks - but the egg transfers weren't always complete. Tank wasn't tall enough for them to do their complete mating ritual. Some eggs were transfered, but about the same amount ended up on the substrate too. Once you'd add substrate and such, your pool won't even have 18" of vertical swimming room. Not saying they won't breed - because they'd surely find a way, but the broods may be smaller in number than 'normal'.
I wouldn't go through the trouble....but interesting concept. Best of luck with it and keep us posted.


Very cool concept but as Tom said it's overkill and not really worth it for only a few horses. That sounds like a better enviroment for a ray, than breeding horses.
Awesome idea tho! I love it haha


Above ground pools are often used in aquaculture. We don't use pools but we do use 90 gal round tubs. If the above ground pool is not designed or stated that it can be used for aquaculture you would probably have to fill it and let it sit with water for a while to leach stuff out of the plastic. It would wise to get a liner designed for aquaculture. That will likely change it from a cheap pool to something a bit more expensive.
We did have a customer who had a 2000 gal concrete koi pond that was mostly outside but also came into his living room. He had us convert it into a reef pond. Actually more a FOWLR. At any rate, he had a seahorse in it that did well. Problem was, you rarely ever saw the seahorse. It was a cool setup and different, but it didn't have the same display effect as a nice glass tank.