Odd Morning



Would it be common for a bacterial bloom to happen in a tank that is about 2 weeks old? Went to bed with the water clear, todya it was cloudy. I didn't mess with the subtrate or anyhting, I just moved my PH to point to the top of the water. I figure it is just bacteria and I should just let is go and see what happens in the next few days. Test results will follow later today since when I saw this I was already and hour late for work.


Should I be worried about this? I don't have a skimmer, wasn't planning on getting one till the cycle ended. CC Substrate. 3 damsels for break in. Daily feeding of frozen brine shrimp. Tank was filled with tap water, but it was conditioned with a dechlorinizer before salt was added to it. At the moment the filter is a fluval 204 with Fluval Bio-Max & Fluval Carbon. I have a Hagen 301 PH without the Venturi valve on it. I am still at work and rather nervous about going home.
Thanks for the feed back,


Active Member
I don't think you would be able to "see" bacteria.
Maybe clear by time you get home.
A varied diet is better for your fish, and brine shrimp is usually a treat more than staple diet.


maybe your damsels are mixing the sand.. happenned to me. but then again, one of my damsels was a "singing damsel"!!!!!!
every time he would chase someone around the tank, he would make this sound like a high pitched cat purr!!!!!!! believe it or not..
don't rush into anything.. just give it some time.. and keep an eye on the water..


It could be a diatom bloom starting up. Perfectly normal for a cycling tank. If your sand starts to turn brown, then it's definately diatoms. They go away as quickly as they come. Weird things happen during a cycle. Just wait it out.;)


Here is an update. First it looks I got the diatoms. Everything is turning brown. Second the water was still milky. If I look closely I can see what looks like lil 2D chunks on the surface of the water. That confuses me a lil bit. I picked up another PH just to keep cirulation up, put the valve on it so I got nice aeration going now. No worries, just fish, no corals. Here are the test results I got
Ammonia .25
Nitrite .3 or roughly 0, God bless that damn tetra Tetsing kit.
Ph is around 8.1
Kh is 9
Salinity is holding strong at 1.022
Since I am cycling I am going to let it go for a few days. At what point though should I worry?
Oh BTW substrate is CC so the cloudiness isn't kick up.
Thanks for the help,


Keep checking my post on "Flakes on the surface". I have the same thing right now. Maybe we'll both find out what it is.
BTW, did you use tap water for your setup?


Pardon while I hang my head in shame...
Yep. Treated it hough, but guess it wasn't enough.


No need to be shameful....I did the same thing. As long as you start using ro water now, it should be fine. Use it for top offs, but don't do any water changes yet....only slow your cycle down.