odd new growth


it's on the sand bed and is like a mold almost, with a brownish-gray uniform color. It doesn't have many distinguishing looks; it's a flat gray mat almost. I've also had the pink stringy cyano multiplying quite a bit lately. I've cut down on feeding and light and am trying to get water changes going quicker.
hm... that is exactly what is growing on my live rock. or at least what it sounds like...
hopefully someone who knows something will reply. thanks for posting this


Active Member
cant ID it exactly but you are doing all the right steps to cure it

what size tank and what is your cleaning crew??


85 gal
6 astrea, 1 brittle
I also just realized my carbon filtration is really old, so I'm going to go buy new carbon today and start skimming a little wetter.


Active Member
definately get new carbon, IMO it should be replaced every month or 2
as for your clean up crew, i would go get some nessarius snails, some turbos, and some hermit crabs. the hermits and ness. snails will help keep your sandbed nice and clean