Odd question, need some help!!


Active Member
Ok all, I have done a new highflow overflow with 2 one inch outlets that I have "Tee'ed together into a single one inch running down to a basement sump and refugim in our new house. Wife does not like holes in the walls in the new house.... Strange ????
My major concern is what is my maximum out flow down a single one inch line??? I am still test fitting all the PVC stuff, but hope to be done tommorow, and start testing.
I am still drilling holes in the wall behind the tank. If I do it while the wife is at work I can still run two one inch lines . But as of now, I only have one , one inch line going down.
My basement setup will allow me to push up to about 15000 GPH or more up IF the gravity feed from the down line can keep up.. 3600 "Sequence" gph pump valve and looped to control flow rates . I have a 6000 gph too from my Lilly pond at the old house, but that may be a bit of overkill for a 72 bow.
Should I run a second line down???????? Thanks all ..Warren


Active Member
i would either plumb it so that the two 1'' join to bacome a 1.5'' line running down or add the 2nd hole/1'' line...


Active Member
Yes you should. The 1.5" idea will work great as well as a 1.5" pipe has a greater capacity than (2) 1" pipes.
And tell your wife her priorities are all screwed up. Fish first. Walls second.