* When different foods touch on my plate, I don't really want to eat them anymore -- even if it is something I really enjoy. Even if it's things that taste good together -- i.e., I don't like it if my corndog touches the mustard before I pick it up, dip it and take a bite.
* I always set my bedroom clock ten minutes fast. If I want to wake up at 6, I'll set the alarm for 6:10 -- so it really is 6 when I wake up. I think it started as a strategy for being on time (back then, I'd set it for 6 and really be waking up at 5:50), but now I just have it that way and I'm not sure why.
* I'm always paranoid that I somehow didn't remember to lock the door after leaving work -- so I lock it, take the garbage out, drive away, think about it, and come back a few minutes later to check. I always push on it really hard too when I'm checking, just in case.