While I enjoy a salad, and a cheeseburger, and sometimes a salad with my cheeseburger, I won't put salad-type ingredients such as lettuce, tomato, etc on my burger. Only exception to the "No rabbit food" on the ground-up-dead-cow rule are onions.
All my shirts in the closet must hang the same direction (front of shirt to the left, back to the right).
Like Jovial, I like symetry ... I'll spend twice as long on projects making extra measurements, formulating a symetrical approach, etc. A row of pictues on the wall, if intended to be in a straight line, must be exactly even. If I'm hanging two or more pictures on a wall, I'll measure the wall, measure the width of the pictures (And subract from the wall measurement), and then divide the remainder by the number of spaces between pictures so that the distance between pictures are exactly the same.
Before popping open an aluminum can, I'll tap the top. Probably started in my youth when I heard that can reduce the carbonation pressure (ALthough I don't think it does), but I still do it.
I'm strangely wary of cars with power door locks, thinking they might spontaneously lock while I'm out of the car while it's running (This has only gotten worse as everybody and their brother has a remote control key fob now). If I start up my vehicle with PLs and I need to get out, I'll roll the window down enough so that I can stick my arm in and reach the lock switch ... even if it's raining.
With eye/sun glasses, I always fold the earpieces left side down first, then right side down.
When I park my car at work (or anywhere else for an extended period of time), I always park facing the east. Actually, this has a practical purpose as in winter the storms are predominately from the south so I don't have to open the door into it ... and in summer the sun is on the back of the vehicle in the afternoon instead of the front windshield.
I almost never close a CD/DVD tray by pushing it in. No matter what contorsions I have to go through, I'll use the open/close button. The only exception is one of my home computers that has a flap over the front of the burner and I can't reach the button.
Even under threat of death, I will not wear socks with sandals ... it's just too wierd. Really, think about it ... if it's cold/cool enough to wear socks, then you shouldn't wear sandals and if it's warm enough to wear sandals, then you shouldn't be wearing socks.