***** oddity


Active Member
so on my way back from the airport i stopped at ***** and found a pair of SFEs and amazingly they wer in perfect condition, so i asked the clerk to bag them for me. i inspected them and to my suprise they wer in perfect condition. it seems weve learned two lessons, ***** can be capable of greatness, and wen u no a guy that works there the prices on the tanks lie.


Staff member
The ***** in my neighborhood does a decent job with fish, as well as other animals. I can't say the same for many LFSs.


Active Member
most ***** threads r dissing *****, i have the alternative, slight mock positivity (if there is such a thing) about *****, for once as if a miracle ***** has prvided excellent service, altho they made themselves lose a lil money, they wer keeping both the SFEs in a tank w/ a school of chromosis, just as the guy came to the tank, one of em grabbed a chromosis and darted under a rock, man that poor employee, taking fish orders from a twelve yo, first i came, then one of the eels tried to go tile surfing (for the novice carpet surfers) and then one jumped into the sink, it didnt go down the drain but it did bite the guy. poor poor man, i hope he gets a raise


I probably could have figured that out if I tried harder lol.. My I had such a bad headache today I couldnt even focus.
Sounds like a good deal though.. ***** has good prices on their SWF... not so good on other things though! lol
Sometimes you can find some good stuff there.. I usually drop in to see whats going on!


New Member
Congrats on the eels!! My ***** is usually pretty bad, however, they did have a juvie huma huma that I did get there and he's doing great so far!!


Active Member
o man another ***** thread...
oh wait this one is positive, do you guy like cutting down ***** in you spare time ??? haha im just kiddin but the responses are good to read!
by the way NICE JOB ON THE ***** PRICES good work


I, too, will have to say that my ***** is no worse than my LFS. (is that saying much, lol?) I have purchased many healthy specimens from them before, and MOST of the time, if they have died, it's been my fault.
Not all Petcos are bad.


Active Member
My ***** is ok.. They clean the algea off the tanks n all but most fish have ich.. If i find a fish there i like its worth the price.. i got my undy there just made sure he as good hes still alive so mine is kept clean inside accept near the feeder goldfish i think its leaking. But otherwise i think mine is getting better