Odds of finding this?


What do you think the odds of finding a pair of Misbar Maroons would be? Either that or finding 2 seperate ones and them getting along?
To me this sounds pretty impossible. I am interested in what you think the odds of me ending up with a pair of misbar maroons is?


From what I understand al ot of marrons are misbars, but I think only the tabk raised ones. Look for a LFS that orders from ORA and ask them to order a few in. Good luck.


I found one at a LFS and it sparked my interest. They are holding him for me til I can get my QT set up and pick him up on wed. Now the tricky part is finding another one and getting them to pair up/get along. Maroons are hard to come by around me.


Active Member
odds of finding them...pretty good (any decent lfs has access)
odds of mating...that's up to mother nature bro


I don't care if they spawn...I just want them to pair up and get along
I found one already like said above. The center bar on one side has like a sawtooth look and the other side center is short. Hes really cool looking


Active Member
actually I have found a bunch of paired misbar maroons at two different fish stores. They are really cool looking!


Make sure the male is far smaller than the larger female and you may have a chance.


I waited 4-5 months for a single non-misbar maroon till I finally gave in and got a occelaris. For some reason my LFS's cant get a hold of maroons at all. I already put the one on hold. I don't know if its a male or female. Its alone in a anem tank. Its about 1-2" though. Would it be safe to say that its a male or no? Otherwise anybody got a way to figure it out. (none that I know of).
The one I found looks amazing. The tips of its fins are neon orange plus the stripe pattern I mentioned above.


Active Member
When people refer to "misbar", are you talking about, or is that referring to a specific color of clown that has a misbar, or any clown. A lot of people are only referring to the gold banded. I have a pair in my tank, but white stripe only, and misbar patterns are different on both of them.


From what I understand. Maybe I am wrong though. Maroons start w/ white stripes and then they develop the gold. I am just referring to the stripe pattern. Not color. Although it would be nice to get this one with white stripes and another misbar with gold. I pick him up the day after christmas and then I will post a pic once hes in the QT. If I get get my camera to work decently that is.
Merry Christmas everyone.


Alright, I have a few errands to run (Post Office, Bank, Groceries, etc The fun stuff
) and then I will be headed to pick this guy up. Once I get him into QT I will try to snap a decent pic of him for you.


Originally Posted by DeMartini
actually I have found a bunch of paired misbar maroons at two different fish stores. They are really cool looking!
Your lucky then...You should send some my way.


Just got back from the LFS with the clown (better looking than I remember it) and a Refractometer so I can get better salt readings


Hes in QT now I just noticed something though it doesn't have pectoral fins.......is this normal for a Maroon? he seems to swim fine and there are no scars that show that they got taken off some how. I will get a picture of him later