odyssea bulbs. What type are they, model?


Hello, i have the 48" MH odyssea light and was wanting to replace the bulbs. Can someone please tell me the type of compact flouresent and type of MH bulb i should be looking for? trying to order some bulbs buy don't know which ones to get, the CF bulbs that came with it suck.


Why would he/she want to patronize Aqua Traders as their brand of light is the crappy Oddysea brands so the bulbs would be the same crap that came in the light to begin with.
Just look on your bulb and get its wattage. It should be imprinted on the bulb near the base end......There ia all kinds of vendors online that would be more than happy to help you out and that sell much better bulbs. Try hellolights dot com for one vendor who carries most major brands of aquarium bulbs and odds are will have what you need.