odyssea jebo lights???


Originally Posted by Bailey52
yep the 48" i have are cheap.. but way worth the money.... but the fans.. its in my basement so I dont worry about the noise... but they arent quite... and also.. Be careful removing that acrylic sleeve covering the bulbs... salt will creep in there, and can get on the metal caps which =
I would leave it on... people say they over heat just cause they feel hot.. thats not OVER heating.. just heating! We are talking about 260W and 4 bulbs
That's a good point... I'll put it back on... Or, :thinking: I could just put a glass top on my tank... Nah, I'll put the cover back on... :joy:


I have t he same light. It's not over heating, think about it doesn't the bulbs in your house lamp get hot. It's just the normal heat that they emminate. The shield is there for a reason, leave it there or you will be asking for problems.


very good investment.
love it love it.
weve had no problems thus far. dont get that hot. fans are not that noisy. cant hear them over the sound of the skimmer and filter. unless ur standing right next to them.


I ordered th 20" fixture with 175w HQI,and 48w power compacts and 2 blue moonlights and they are AWSOME.Definetly worth the $$.


I have the 48" 260 watt pc lights from 2005 that I purchased in December. I would reccomend not purchasing these unless it is totally necessary for you to cut costs. This is a very cheap unit and if I would do it all over again I would have purchased a better quality lighting system.
For the mony this unit is okay. I purchased new computer fans to replace the fans this one comes with because they were very noisy after only two days. Now that I have done this I like it a bit more.
This unit also gets pretty hot and it looks like the 4 pin connection is going to burn out any day now. Just something else I will probably have to replace.
I plan on rewiring the unit becuase mine cam with only 1 cord so now I have to control the lights. Just another thing that will take time and money. However, I hear the new units come with 3 cords.
IMO, by the time I spend money upgrading the unit and fixing problems I would have probably been able to get a better unit. In this hobby patience pays off and saving for an extra month until you can afford a better lighting system would be just another smart choice.


Well like I said.. for $120 the unit is great.. 3 cords.. no prob with noise and heat... works great for $120


Da- yours was a 2005 model.... Maybe thats what they fixed for 06... I know they added some cords and an extra 2 ballasts....
HAS any1 had any problems besides the mounting legs with the 06 MH/PC or and JEBo light?


Originally Posted by Winstew
Da- yours was a 2005 model.... Maybe thats what they fixed for 06... I know they added some cords and an extra 2 ballasts....
HAS any1 had any problems besides the mounting legs with the 06 MH/PC or and JEBo light?
weve had ours almost 3 weeks. and no problems at all. except we wanna keep it on all the time to see all the growth they have caused GRIN


Everyone says just right for the price... what makes them so cheap.. I mean the bulbs are rated for the same K and most fixtures come without bulbs anyways...... what gives!!!


Evning Winstew.
its not a product that is UL approved. the mounting brackets dont fit the tank as you would think they would. a slight bow inward. they say" you get what u pay for" so if its cheap? the product must be cheap? thats what those that dont like the pruduct say. and yes " for the price" its a great product. the lights are as described. 12K day light. 65x2 and actinic blue 03 65x2 260 w total. is what we got. and the bulbs were included and guaranteed upon delivery. from our seller. on that big auction site in the sky GRIN we have the 06 model meaning it has 3 cords. so all lights can be ran seperately. as opposed to the 05 that only have 2 so you cant sumulate dawn/dusk with the 05 model. 06 you can
i dont see any reason NOT to buy this unit. of any size. only thing that might be a problem i can see is the fans are really small IMO. i would think perhaps 2 fans on each end as opposed to just 2 on one end. Other then that, its a Great product and were getting the 72" for our larger tank next month


Has anyone actually replaced their bulbs on the odyssea with a coralife bulb or other bulb? The auction site gives the impression that these bulbs are proprietary to odyssea and that only their bulbs can be used. Is this true?


wow your lights look good, my odyssea ones were crap. The lights were good but the stands look like there about to snap with cheap plastic, light shroud gets extremley hot because the fans arent good enough are all on one side. I wish they thought the fans out better.


Originally Posted by Lagger
Has anyone actually replaced their bulbs on the odyssea with a coralife bulb or other bulb? The auction site gives the impression that these bulbs are proprietary to odyssea and that only their bulbs can be used. Is this true?
I would also like to know the answer to this question...


New Member
i believe you can swap out the bulbs between the different makes, one of my friends replaced his old corallife bulbs with odyssea's bulbs. now the bigger higher end models (like coralife and the others) are starting to make their own pin configuration so you have to use their bulbs, which i think is a response to the obvious cost difference in the jebo bulbs. but the jebos as far as i know on use the more "standard" pin configuration.


does your 72" have MH configuration? If so, the only thing I would be worried about is the legs.... They are ok, not very stable on my 48" PC, but if I was getting MH I wuold be much more worried about the lights being stable, you may want to make your own stand


Originally Posted by sdsupilot
i believe you can swap out the bulbs between the different makes, one of my friends replaced his old corallife bulbs with odyssea's bulbs. now the bigger higher end models (like coralife and the others) are starting to make their own pin configuration so you have to use their bulbs, which i think is a response to the obvious cost difference in the jebo bulbs. but the jebos as far as i know on use the more "standard" pin configuration.
10-4. Hey, FishRule, since you have them why don't you take a look? Remember to unplug the light before you remove the end plugs and report back whether they are a straight pin or square pin configuration. I hope they're square cause i'd like to get some smartpaq's in their! Also, while you're under there can you tell me what the reflector housing is made of? I have a 20gal also so I'm looking to buy the same lights as yours. Thanks!